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Re: [News] Novell Clinging on to 'Precious' GNU/Linux IP

[H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx> espoused:
> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> http://dag.wieers.com/blog/content/why-is-there-no-open-source-sles
> Dag is a independent packager for Fedora and other distros, but I
> haven't heard about him in a while. I didn't even know he /had/ a blog.
> Oh well, good to know he's still alive anyway :)
> Re: the topic in question. Expecting a community of /voluntary/
> /contributors/ to evolve around /any/ proprietary product is a bit
> unrealistic (I know, I tried once. Then one day I asked myself "Why am I
> doing this? I get nothing for my efforts, not even attribution"), so I
> gave up. But with SLES in particular, you're talking about a company
> that is a) about as popular as SCO with some people, and b) considered
> untrustworthy by the same people - WRT their packages - since one cannot
> be sure what Microsoft IP may have tainted it.
> There are far too many other, more worthy projects out there for people
> to spend their time on, than wasting it with Novell, or any of the other
> Monkey-club distros. By the community for the community is one thing,
> but by the community for some corporate Microsoft bum-boy, is quite
> another. Frankly, I'm surprised Dag even needs to ask.

It's quite interesting that Apple have always been reasonably successful
at getting people to support their platform with open-source ports, just
as there are very many open-source ports to Microsoft Windows, too.

Personally, I'd prefer to see all the effort going into the free
platforms, and let the proprietary ones be served by proprietary
interests, but that won't happen in a hurry.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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