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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Slopware Halts Stock Exchange Trading

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ Mark Kent on Sunday 11 November 2007 22:27 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> London Stock Exchange blames outage on Infolect
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| She said the problem appeared to lie with Infolect?s three interactive
>>>| gateways, which send out about 10 million separate pieces of market
>>>| information daily, including share prices, to about 100,000 terminals.
>>>| Infolect was launched two years ago in place of the exchange?s London
>>>| Market Information Link platform. It uses Microsoft .net technology and a
>>>| SQL Server database, and runs on more than 100 Intel-based 32-bit Proliant
>>>| servers.
>>> `----
> http://www.cio.co.uk/concern/security/news/index.cfm?articleid=2248&pagtype=allchantopdate
>>> And this is the deployment Microsoft brags about in its anti-Linux ads.
>> Oh god, the idiots... what were they thinking about?  Heads will surely
>> roll a very very long long way on this one.  Probably all the way into
>> the Thames, I should imagine.
>> Outage.  Microsoft.  Surprised?  You shouldn't be.
> Microsoft bets a lot on this deployment. They probably have breathtaking
> redundancy levels (like entire duplicate clusters just in case the bad patch
> kicks in or WGA has a false positive).
> Microsoft's idealogy must be that if they can throw x3 the cost on some major
> deployment and then invest x300 the normal advertising cost to say something
> like "stock exchange... HATES Linux", then the sheeple will assume that the
> sky is falling on GNU/Linux and that Windows actually works...
> ...Never mind if you pay x10 to handle the same workload. In due time, the cost
> will be _assumed part of the situation_... just as people assume that a new
> (Vista) PC should cost $700 if decent performance  is needed (Linux costs
> about $300 and it has a lot more software)...
> ... also assuming that viruses/defragging/reboot are a reality to cope with
> (because, frankly, There's No Other Way(TM), say our friends at Redmond).
> It's the Big Lie. I've been hearing the phrase elsewhere as well... quite
> recently in fact.

The proprietary software world hasn't quite been successful in getting
the BSA to link tightly enough in with governments in order to support a
"big lie" offensive in a sustainable way.  Interestingly, whilst the GNU
project and the Linux kernel and all those distros are very much a child
of the internet, so is the publicity abounding which is sufficient to
undo the "big lie".

I'm quite certain that the digests are having a direct impact on
technical journalism, which is one reason why Erik and co are so so keen
to stop News articles being posted.

I say again, Doug, HPT, Homer, and anyone else posting relevant articles
- please put a [News] tag in the header, and I'll get them in the
  digest.  It has been by far the most effective form of advocacy which
  has ever come out of cola.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
| Cola trolls:  http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/                        |
| My (new) blog:  http://www.thereisnomagic.org                        |

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