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Re: The SPAM machine is fired up.

On 30 Nov, 03:08, flatfish <flatf...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Notice the timing.

Notice the timing of what?

> Check Digg and notice the timing.

Notice the timing of what?

> Check Netscape and notice the timing.

Notice the timing of what?

> Now keep telling yourself that Roy Schestowitz is doing this all by
> hand and by himself.

I haven't been telling myself any such thing.

> Digg doesn't think so.........

Really?  How do you know that?

I'm not a net-nanny, Roy's posting activity doesn't interest me.
What /does/ interest me, however, is the anti-Roy campaign that seems
to be underway.  I think Roy's pro-Linux activities on the internet
are worrying somebody.  Otherwise the Roy-haters would just killfile
the guy and be done with it.

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