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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft's and Intel's Charity Sabotage. BUSTED!

* Roy Schestowitz fired off this tart reply:

> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The Gates | Otellini axis directly hurts us deeply. To me, it is a 
>| particularly American shame. 
> `----
> http://fussnotes.typepad.com/plexnex/2007/11/not-such-a-hars.html

"Gates/Otellini Axis".

Good one.


   "We think that Intel is in need of an overhaul similar to what Lou
   Gerstner undertook at IBM following that company's crisis, and we're
   not yet convinced that Paul Otellini, a career Intel man, is the guy
   to do it," he wrote.

   Things aren't likely to get much easier on Otellini this week when
   he's forced to explain Intel's first quarter performance. Wall Street
   expects Intel to report its worst quarter in years.

That must explain (in part) why laptops prices are so low lately.  The
kiddies will get a lump of silicon in their stockings.

Tux rox!

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