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Re: Dell Proves That Linux is Suitable for Desktops

On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 18:28:35 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ John Bailo, Texeme.Construct on Saturday 06 October 2007 13:07 :
> \____
>> On Oct 5, 9:01 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Dell Inspiron 530n Ubuntu desktop PC
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Dell, it would seem, disagrees, and it's now possible to get a Dell
>>> | Inspiron 530n Ubuntu loaded not with flashy mainstream Windows Vista
>>> or | XP, but with a Linux operating system.
>> Dell made a good faith effort to both:
>> 1. Respond it's community
>> 2. Work with Linux and the OSS concepts 3. Offer a credible alternative
>> to pre-installed Windows.
>> We all know that, but the interesting question is, did Dell's largesse
>> pay off?
>> And did the "community" respond in kind by buying the product they said
>> they wanted so much?
> The sales exceeded Dell's expectations. By far. Enough said.

So they expected to sell one and in fact sold two.
Wow, sales increased over the projected figures by 100 percent.
The advertising department will have a field day with that.


John King
"Just Say No To DRM"

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