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Re: Homer - Paid clueless shill for Schestowitz

Asstroturfer alan.yunick@xxxxxxxxx wrote on behalf of Micoshaft Corporation:

> On Oct 5, 10:35 am, "Barb Dwyer" <dw...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> This is too funny. Just about every recent thread here goes something
>> like this:
>> Roy Schestowitz - Makes dull and boring post about "Vista causing MS to
>> implode."
>> Nobody bothers to read or reply to this trip except for his paid shill
>> [M]oron^h^h^h [H]omer who replies with some worthless - "Yeah - it's
>> [true."
>> Roy Schestowitz then replies back to homer about how right he is and the
>> thread basically dies.
>> (Every other week you can replace [M]oron with the Mark Kent shill and
>> the pattern remains the same.)
>> The masters who pay Roy Schestowitz to post his tripe here must give him
>> an extra few pennies of somebody bothers to actually reply to him.
> I am going to be applying for the same PHD program that Roy
> Schestowitz is enrolled in.
> It certainly seems to be a program that will put little demand upon my
> time.
> After all, how can a PHD candidtate, like Roy Schestowitz, have hours
> and hours and hours of
> free time availible to troll the Internet and still complete his
> studies?
> Here is my admissions letter:
> Dear Manchester University Admissions,
> I am currently a student taking up space at Whats-a-Matta-U
> University located in Nervous Sheep Scotland.
> I am considering continuing my studies by entering a doctoral program
> at Manchester University leading to a PHD degree in Internet Based
> Linux Trolling.
> I understand that you have an intensive program at Manchester which is
> targeted directly at my
> field of choice.
> If I can be Frank for a moment, I'll reveal that I am interested in a
> program which puts as little demand upon my free time as possible.
> I understand you have a student registered in the Linux Trolling
> program who goes by them name of Roy Schestowitz.
> He is indeed my mentor and I wish to duplicate his class and
> requirment schedule because it must be one heck of an easy program to
> skate through considering he has the time to troll the Internet 7 days
> a week, twenty four hours a day posting anti Microsoft messages
> in order to make Linux look good.
> I also understand that you have paid internship programs where I can
> actually be paid by Linux organizations to troll the Internet.
> I'd like to be considered for the same program that Roy Schestowitz is
> enrolled in because it
> appears to be a whopper!
> In conclusion, please consider my application and send my anonymous
> regards to your star student
> Roy Schestowitz at Manchester University.
> Alan Yunick

Dear Idiot,

Our university flatly refuses to accept entries from Micoshaft Asstroturfing
Employees trying to pass themselves off as Windummies.

I would like to recommend you join a flat fish school first
and get your skates on quick, because there is little chance
for you here.

Alternatively if you can prove you a true geek by downloading
and running some Linux LiveCDs from here
http://www.livecdlist.com   (free with source code)
and write a thesis on how rubbish micoshaft software is compared
to say Ubuntu (http://www.ubuntu.com) running compiz and beryl,
then you are in with a slim chance of rising above flat fish school
class citizen.


Don't call us, we won't call you either.

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