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[News] [SOT] Sony Attacks Consumer Rights, UC Berkeley Opens up

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] Sony Attacks Consumer Rights, UC Berkeley Opens up
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 05:33:16 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Sony BMG's chief anti-piracy lawyer: "Copying" music you own is "stealing"

,----[ Quote ]
| Pariser has a very broad definition of "stealing." When questioned by Richard 
| Gabriel, lead counsel for the record labels, Pariser suggested that what 
| millions of music fans do is actually theft. The dirty deed? Ripping your own 
| CDs or downloading songs you already own.   


Let it be scratched, them buy it again. They take away your rights and then
charge you to get them back.

UC Berkeley first to post full lectures to YouTube

,----[ Quote ]
| Berkeley said it will continue to expand the offering. The topics of study 
| found on YouTube included chemistry, physics, biology and even a lecture on 
| search-engine technology given in 2005 by Google cofounder Sergey Brin.  



OUP wants me to pay for my own Open Access article

,----[ Quote ]
| The journal wishes to charge me 48 USD to:
| The journal is therefore
| I am lost for words...


A Quest to Get More Court Rulings Online, and Free

,----[ Quote ]
| The domination of two legal research services over the publication of federal 
| and state court decisions is being challenged by an Internet gadfly who has 
| embarked on an ambitious project to make more than 10 million pages of case 
| law available free online.   


Libraries Defend Open Access

,----[ Quote ]
| In an open letter last month, Rockefeller University Press castigated the 
| publishers' sock-puppet outfit, PRISM, for using distorting rhetoric in a 
| coordinated PR attack on open access. N  


News Corp undecided on making WSJ.com free

,----[ Quote ]
| "It would be a very expensive thing to do in the short term," Murdoch told 
| analysts on a telephone conference call to discuss News Corp's quarterly 
| earnings. "In the long term, it may be a wonderful thing to do, but we're 
| looking at it very closely."   


The Land of "Nothing for free"

,----[ Quote ]
| I was down there to give a talk on "Open Source Business Models"
| for a conference. Also represented were entertainment industry
| lawyers, "Big Telecom" management, and a smattering of software
| people. Microsoft was there of course. You can't hold a church
| fete with "Open Source" on the banner these days without Microsoft
| turning up and requesting representation. At least we also had
| Bruce Perens on our side to help make up the balance. The venue
| eas an unbelievably expensive hotel. Even though I was on
| expenses I balked at asking the company to pay for a room
| there and found something cheaper (not by much) a few miles
| down the road.


Academia's Open Access movement mirrors FOSS community

,----[ Quote ]
| Free and open source software (FOSS) has roots in the ideals of academic 
| freedom and the unimpeded exchange of information. In the last five years, 
| the concepts have come full circle, with FOSS serving as a model for Open 
| Access (OA), a movement within academia to promote unrestricted access to 
| scholarly material for both researchers and the general public.    


DJ Google, Sprint Pact Could Heat Up Wireless War

,----[ Quote ]
| Wallsten, however, argued it is unclear their network will be truly open. "It 
| doesn't seem consistent with Google's claims for open access and net 
| neutrality," he said. "Clearly Google is going to benefit from this, and it 
| will be easier to use (Google) than Yahoo" or other rival services.   


AT&T slams Google over open-access wireless proposal

,----[ Quote ]
| AT&T has asked Capitol Hill not to enable an open nationwide wireless 
| spectrum, claiming that Google's lobbying of such a network is a bid by the 
| search giant to obtain broadband airwaves at bargain-basement prices.  


Musicians' copyright pleas fall on deaf ears

,----[ Quote ]
| The music industry has reacted with outrage to the government's rejection of 
| pleas to extend the period musicians get royalties from their tracks beyond 
| the current 50 years.  


Announcing the Open Library

,----[ Quote ]
| Early this year, when I left my job at Wired Digital, I thought I could look 
| forward to months of lounging around San Francisco, reading books on the 
| beach and drinking fine champagne and eating foie gras. Then I got a phone 
| call. Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive was thinking of pursuing a 
| project that I'd been trying to do literally for years.    
| [...]
| So today I'm extraordinarily proud to announce the Open Library project. Our
| goal is to build the world's greatest library, 


Berkman Center and CALI Partner to Create New Legal Education Resource

,----[ Quote ]
| “We are looking forward to renewing a fruitful relationship with Harvard Law 
| School through the Legal Education Commons project, which will provide 
| innovative tools and access to open-licensed course materials to our more 
| than 200 member law schools” said CALI Executive Director John Mayer.   


Wikipedia Founder Joins EC Open Access Campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said he signed a petition calling
| on the European Commission to give the public open access to
| taxpayer-funded scientific research because it was "simple and
| obvious" that the public should have access to research they
| had funded. "Public money should result in public benefit,"
| he added.


Google Custom Search

,----[ Quote ]
| Guha was able to help me understand the significance of the recent 
| announcement with the Hewlett Foundation of the Open Educational Resources 
| search portal.  
| [...]
| For example, a MIT implementation of the OE Search portal could choose to 
| boost mit.edu sites, providing higher visibility for MIT's OpenCourseWare 
| offerings.  


Push for open access to research

,----[ Quote ]
| "Cancer patients seeking information on new treatments or parents
| searching for the latest on childhood development issues were often
| denied access to the research they indirectly fund through their
| taxes"  


Elsevier duo say the future is open

,----[ Quote ]
| Two senior publishers have departed Elsevier and joined rival Biomed
| Central, placing their bets on an open access future for scientific
| research.


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