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Re: [News] Microsoft Has Just Announced 'Internet Services'... They Seem to be Distributed

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> F-Secure sees smaller botnets on the rise
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Computers infected with a virus unknowingly become "zombies" in a
> | botnet--which is a network used to send out spam and to mount further
> | attacks on other machines. The zombie army can be controlled remotely,
> `----
> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6210900.html

20% of all windopws PCs are infected requiring billions of man hours
to clean up the micoshaft mess.

The world does not have billions of man hours to clean up
the micoshaft mess. It needs to impose a software tax on Micoshaft
for the mess it created and give that tax to open source
companies to make more open source IT available for more people.
so they can switch to cleaner technologies.

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