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Re: BECTA$ reports Micoshaft to Office of Fair Trading

Mark Kent wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ [H]omer on Friday 19 October 2007 18:24 : \____
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that 7 spake thusly:
>>>> BECTA$ reports Micoshaft to Office of Fair Trading
>>> Good.
>> It takes two to tango. *Both* parties (BECTA and Microsoft) should have
>> some sackings, investigation...
>> Jail time would be nice, but not a must. ;-)
> It does look like they've been found out.  I presume that Becta decided
> to act first, in the hope that it would stop their own incompetence from
> being put under the spotlight.
> I wonder if some of the major culprits have recently left Becta, or are
> just about to?

I reckon Ubuntu people should send in a couple of liveCDs to
every school and college free and warn them to stop purchasing
any more Micoshaft products pending the outcome of the
Office of Fair Trading investigation. In the mean time, try out
Ubuntu and Kubuntu disks free of charge and write to their
IT heads to insist that free software be distributed to children,
parents and teachers alike.

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