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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Lobbyist Threatens Governments That Choose ODF

Microsoft lobbyist using TBT for legal threats

,----[ Quote ]
| Jan van den Beld, who was promoting OpenXML at the Geneva BRM for CompTIA, a 
| well know Microsoft lobby group, is using the Technical Barriers to Trade WTO 
| treaty for legal threats to governments:  
|     He also advised governments against mandating just one electronic 
|     document standard as it may run foul of World Trade Organization policies 
|     and open themselves to possible legal challenges. "One of the big 
|     concerns of WTO is that you should not use standards as a barrier to 
|     trade," he said.    
|     "If a government enforces [use of just one standard], that would mean the 
|     whole country is not allowed to use OpenXML. Then, they could get into a 
|     very difficult legal situation as they can be challenged legally," 
|     opinioned van den Beld.   


Add this to existing examples of bullying against CIOs who supported ODF.


Multiple Standards according to ECMA

,----[ Quote ]
| On a Microsoft event in Portugal, called TechDays 2008, ex-ECMA and now 
| CompTIA (Microsoft lobbyst group) member, Jan van den Beld explains how 
| multiple standards come to be on ECMA  
| [...]
| What does Jan van den Beld - former Secretary General of ECMA - have to say 
| about multiple standards? He seems to be puzzled himself! 
| Quote from his presentation:
| Q: Why do you want to have 5 [DVD related] formats? Do you still call that 
| standardization? 
| A: You are well paid. Shut up
| Check out the video at 4:10 and amaze yourself!
| This was on Microsoft Techdays 2008, in Portugal.


The commercial value of ISO privileged access

,----[ Quote ]
| Jan van den Beld 'sents love letters' to the ISO system and leaches out 
| against parties who want to appeal. 


Return of the Living Dead - Brainless Attack on MoSTI - Part Deux!!!

,----[ Quote ]
| I dont know what the attraction is, but somehow we all love the morbid 
| fascination of Zombies in action. First, Microsoft^H^H^H^H^HCompTIA hires Mr 
| Jan van der Beld, Ex-Ecma Secretary General, to fly all the way here in KL, 
| for an event supposedly about "good multiple standards".  There he challenges 
| us to find a better way to Fast Track large, immature vendor dependent 
| specifications. The answer is of course: "Don't do it." Later on that same 
| day, like a man possessed, he turns up at a PIKOM meeting only to rant and 
| thump tables.       
| Then today, in our fantastic broadsheet turned tabloid "The New Straits 
| Times" features a "Comment" by our so called "cooler head" Datuk Dr Mohd 
| Ariffin Aton entitled "Walking the Talk on neutrality policy". If you've 
| forgotten about him, you may be forgiven, but he is or rather WAS the CEO if 
| SIRIM Bhd.     


Former ECMA Sec. Gen challenges ISO/BRM critics to create a better process

,----[ Quote ]
| "If people say this whole ISO process is lousy, out of date and doesn't work 
| anymore or is broken, I challenge anybody to make a new worldwide process," 
| van den Beld told PC World while in Australia working for the Computing 
| Technology Industry Association.    


And the award goes to... (top 10 worst Ecma responses)

,----[ Quote ]
| If there are awards to be given to categories of worst dispositions provided 
| by Ecma in response to comments by National Bodies for the OOXML balotting on 
| 2 September 2007, then the ODF Alliance's list of top 10 (plus 1 bonus!) is a 
| good one. The categories are:   
|     10. Worst Ignored Request
|     9. Worst non-Answer
|     8. Worst use of XML
|     7. Worst Introduction of Security Holes
|     6. Worst 'Back Door' Tactic


Give us the password!

,----[ Quote ]
| What is needed now is the public and unconditional access to the works of the 
| TC 45. What is needed now is for the Ecma to give the password to their page. 
| Give us the password!  


A Peek Behind the Ecma OOXML Curtain

,----[ Quote ]
| A particularly contentious issue has been whether Ecma is trying to make it 
| as easy as possible, or is trying to make it as difficult as possible while 
| still scoring PR points, for interested parties to view proposed dispositions  
| of comments, and whether it does, or does not, have the latitude under ISO 
| rules to be more transparent. The fairly opaque, and sometimes contradictory 
| nature of those rules, has not made the debate any easier, and gives rise to 
| the possibility of confusion, at best, and serious mistakes, at worst, as 
| Pamela Jones pointed out at Groklaw this morning.      
| The result is that there will be very little real data available to the 
| general public until Ecma opens the curtains on January 19. And the import of 
| what little data does become available is usually the subject of instant 
| disagreement.   


Microsoft accused of stacking ISO committee

,----[ Quote
| In a memo sent following his last meeting as head of the working group on 
| WG1, which is handling Microsoft’s application to make the Word format an ISO 
| standard as ECMA 376, outgoing Governor Martin Bryan (above), an expert on 
| SGML and XML, accused the company of stacking his group.   


Martin Bryan: we are getting “standardization by corporation”

,----[ Quote ]
| A November informative report of Martin Bryan, Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 
| WG1 highlights the fallout of the ECMA-376 fast-track process for ISO. He 
| says he is 'glad to be retiring before the situation becomes impossible'  
| [...]
| In what is an astonishingly outspoken report, Martin Bryan, Convenor, ISO/IEC 
| JTC1/SC34 WG1 has given us insight into the total mess that Microsoft/ECMA 
| have caused during their scandalous, underhand and unremitting attempts to 
| get - what is a very poorly written specification {i.e. DIS 29500 aka OOXML, 
| AR} - approved as an ISO standard. …    


Dysfunctional ISO - Courtesy of Microsoft


Microsoft wins Open XML vote, frowns at Indian panel

,----[ Quote ]
| Industry experts said they were "unhappy" with the Microsoft which has almost 
| accused the committee of being packed with "open document format (ODF) 
| supporters".  
| "I am very upset and uncomfortable with such complaints. In fact, the 
| chairperson of the committee (LITD 15) offered to step down over the 
| allegation," D.B. Phatak, professor at IIT Mumbai, told DNA Money.  
| IIT Mumbai is a member of LITD 15, and Phatak was part of the deliberations 
| that have been taking place within IIT on the issue. 
| Phatak said a Microsoft official was asked if it would withdraw the 
| complaint, but the company refused as the "complaint was made by some higher 
| officer in Microsoft".  
| Jaijit Bhattacharya, country director of government strategy for Sun 
| Microsystems India, a company that has been at loggerheads with Microsoft for 
| years, talks in a similar vein.  
| "I am surprised that such allegations are made against India's top academic 
| and government institutions … such allegations lack credibility,' 
| Bhattacharya said. Venkatesh Hariharan, co-founder Open Source Foundation of 
| India said, "I am just amazed and shocked at the depths to which Microsoft is 
| willing to descend."    
| He said Microsoft's complaint is a "great disservice to the committee, its 
| chairperson and the BIS".  


A Microsoft Slur in the OOXML Saga -- Did I Tell You or Did I Tell You? -

,----[ Quote ]
| Remember I told you I've noticed that people who don't support Microsoft's 
| agenda end up the victim of smear campaigns? 
| The New Zealand Open Source Society is reporting that an employee at 
| Microsoft New Zealand recently sent an email to one of the technical bodies 
| advising an NB involved in the OOXML ISO process, smearing a man's 
| reputation, Matthew Holloway, apparently to undermine his technical input 
| which was critical of OOXML.     


Tim Bray: Life Is Complicated

,----[ Quote ]
| Those with long memories might suggest a parallel between Rick’s position and 
| mine when in 1997, I was sitting on the XML Working Group and co-editing the 
| spec, on a pro bono basis as an indie consultant. Netscape hired me to 
| represent their interests, and when I announced this, controversy ensued. 
| Which is a nice way of saying that Microsoft went berserk; tried 
| unsuccessfully to get me fired as co-editor, and then launched a vicious, 
| deeply personal extended attack in which they tried to destroy my career and 
| took lethal action against a small struggling company because my wife worked 
| there. It was a sideshow of a sideshow of the great campaign to bury Netscape 
| and I’m sure the executives have forgotten; but I haven’t.         


How to Royally Annoy National Bodies

,----[ Quote ]
| Guide to future monopolists on how to alienate yourself from National Bodies:
|    1. Waste NBs time in reviewing monstrous draft specifications
|    2. Claim that these specs can do everything for anyone by standardising 
|    marketing material 
|    3. If you don't get your way at a certain level, lobby the superior above. 
|    Dont stop! Go all the way to the head of the nation if you think you can! 
|    4. Leak press stories to journalists to pressure Ministries to make a 
|    decision. Quick! 
|    5. Try to shut down TCs if actual technical work is done revealing issues 
|    with your plan 
|    6. Question Question Question everything (process, fairness, the system, 
|    members) when things dont go your way 
|    7. Otherwise create another TC with friendly experts
|    8. If the NB allows new members just by paying membership fees, encourage 
|    your business partners to join with marketing funds. Stack-stack-stack it 
|    high!  
|    9. Stalk decision makers, even if it means traveling around the globe with 
|    them 
|   10. Refuse changes in the spec especially if it breaks your product which 
|   you released prior 
|   11. Have private interviews with TC members in the guise of funding for 
|   their new projects/research grants/interoperability initiatives and 
|   conveniently talk about their position on your spec.  
|   12. Get your Business Partners to write in form letters. Some don't even 
|   bother to change the templates 
|   13. Attend TC meetings uninvited by fabricating business cards
|   14. Send Lawyers in to Technical Committee meetings who prefer not to 
|   engage in "high-school" debates 
|   15. Make rude and inaccurate statements against TC members in public


Q&A: Former Mass. CIO feels 'bittersweet pride' after battles with Microsoft,

,----[ Quote ]
| As CIO of Massachusetts from February to November last year, Louis 
| Gutierrez had to endure most of the brunt of Microsoft Corp.'s political 
| wrath over a state policy calling for the adoption of the Open Document 
| Format for Office Applications, or ODF -- a rival to the software vendor's 
| Office Open XML file format.


,----[ Quote ]
| Quinn:  Almost to a person, to anybody involved or who knows about
| the ODF issue, they attributed the story to Microsoft, right, wrong
| or otherwise. Senator Pacheco may be a bully but I do not believe he
| is disingenious and would stoop to such a tactic. Senator Pacheco and
| Secretary Galvin's office remain very heavily influenced by the
| Microsoft money and its lobbyist machine, as witnessed by their
| playbook and words, in my opinion.


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