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[News] [Rival] Many "Critical" Patches from Microsoft, New Flaws Emerge

Eight April patches from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| "Many of the vulnerabilities addressed by the fixes could be exploited if a 
| Windows user simply visits a malicious Web site, a favorite attack method 
| among cybercriminals,” said Marcus.  


Microsoft Windows Kernel Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (MS08-025)


Microsoft Windows DNS Client Predictable Transaction ID Vulnerability

,----[ Quote ]
| Moderately critical


It makes 'services':

Juniper Networks Protects Customers from New Microsoft Vulnerabilities
Disclosed Today

,----[ Quote ]
| Juniper Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ:JNPR), the leader in high-performance 
| networking, today confirmed its Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) 
| security systems and Integrated Security Gateway (ISG) firewall/virtual 
| private network (VPN) systems with IDP offer protection for new Microsoft 
| vulnerabilities announced today.    



Bots rule in cyberspace

,----[ Quote ] 
| USA TODAY REPORTS that on an average day, 40 per cent of the 800 million 
| computers connected to the Internet are bots used to send out spam, viruses 
| and to mine for sensitive personal data.  


What spooks Microsoft's chief security advisor

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking at the Boston SecureWorld conference Wednesday, the 19-year 
| Microsoft veteran whose job includes protecting enterprises, developers and 
| Microsoft itself said there actually is plenty of good news on the security 
| front. For example, his outfit scans a half million devices (with customer 
| permission) per month and in the first half of last year saw the first 
| period-over-period decline in new vulnerabilities disclosed across Microsoft 
| and non-Microsoft software since 2003.      
| However, 3,400 new vulnerabilities were discovered and “it’s still a big 
| number,” Arsenault says. “So if vulnerability rates are down, where are 
| they?”  


With Vista breached, Linux unbeaten in hacking contest

,----[ Quote ]
| The MacBook Air went first; a tiny Fujitsu laptop running Vista was hacked on 
| the last day of the contest; but it was Linux, running on a Sony Vaio, that 
| remained undefeated as conference organizers ended a three-way computer 
| hacking challenge Friday at the CanSecWest conference.   


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