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Re: Linux GPL violation!?

On Sun, 20 Apr 2008 13:05:51 -0700, Tim Smith wrote:

> The anti-OOXML crowd has come up with some interesting new FUD: a 
> license is not compatible with GPL unless it is sub-licensable.  This 
> assertion has been made now on Groklaw, and Roy has picked it up.
>    <http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20080417104016186>
> Groklaw says there that a license that prevents or restricts 
> sub-licensing rights can't be used by FOSS.
> There's an interesting problem with that.  The BSD license is not 
> sub-licensable.  Thus, according to Groklaw's analysis, you can't 
> legally use BSD code with GPL code!  Since Linux contains a fair amount 
> of BSD-licensed code, if Groklaw is right, Linux is not legal.
> (If you want a BSD-like license that is sub-licensable, the license you 
> should use is the MIT X11 license.  As Rosen points out in his book on 
> open source licensing, that is the main difference between the BSD 
> license and the MIT license).
> It gets even more interesting.  Go take a look at GPLv3:
>    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
> Read the last sentence of section 2.  GPLv3 *explicitly* prohibits 
> sub-licensing.  This means that, if Groklaw is right, GPLv3 is not an 
> acceptable license for FOSS!
> Besides completely botching sub-licensing, note the Groklaw article also 
> claims that a royalty is required on things licensed under OSP.  That's 
> completely false.  Also note, most of the cites given in that article 
> are to criticism of *other* Microsoft licenses, criticizing them for 
> things that are not in OSP.  Finally, the main structure of Groklaw's 
> argument is that RAND licenses *can* be bad, and OSP is a RAND, 
> therefore OSP *must* be bad--is there anyone here who can't spot the 
> fallacy of that mode of argument?
> The really funny thing about this is that there *IS* a potential problem 
> with OSP and free software relating to sub-licensing, but Groklaw 
> completely missed it.

I'd love to see what Alexander has to say on this subject....

As usual, Groklaw doesn't have a clue.
Of course since Roy Schestowitz is involved with Groklaw, that comes as no

Moshe Goldfarb
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