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[News] A Look Ahead of Ubuntu 8.10

Intrepid Ibex

,----[ Quote ]
| The release after an LTS release (or 3 releases before one) is usually an 
| unstable one (4.10, 6.10, 8.10, and probably 10.10), as the developers find 
| new technology to incorporate and wait for it to mature over the next 2 
| releases. Expect 8.10 to have KDE 4, among other interesting stuff, maybe 
| even Avant.     


Ah, non-destructive Linux fun

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems that Micro$oft decided to completely change the boot/MBR files for 
| Vista, making it a pain to setup dual-boots when Vista is already installed. 
| This has seriously limited my tinkering fun... until earlier yesterday.  
| I ran across a video (bad me, I did not save the link) through Stumbleupon 
| that took me to the Wubi website. 
| [...]
| In all the time I have kicked around O/Ses, this has to be the smoothest 
| installer I have ever used. All you need is a minimum of about 5 GB of free 
| space on your drive, and you are good to go.   



Vista SP1 won't install on dual-boot systems: Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| If you’re dualbooting Windows Vista Enterprise or Ultimate alongside a Linux 
| distro, and have installed the Linux bootloader into the MBR, then you’re 
| guaranteed to run into problems when installing Vista Service Pack 1, 
| Microsoft has admitted.   



Geek in Paradise - Vista Upgrade

,----[ Quote ]
| As the HP Advisor disc was in the process of finishing, the machine
| froze solid. After giving it 5 minutes of no disk activity, I reset
| the machine to be greeted by a lovely blinking cursor. I put the
| Vista disc in and booted into a repair installation, where I ran the
| Repair tool. My hunch was proved correct when it returned a corrupted 
| MBR, which it had fixed. Thinking all was well, I rebooted to be
| greeted with a black screen (no blinking cursor). Well, there's
| something more going on so I rebooted into the repair tool and let
| it do it's thing. This time, it found a Corrupted Partition table
| which it then said it repaired. Awesome! Next reboot was greeted by
| the same black screen, so I figured the other partition was corrupt
| as well and let the repair tool run again and fix the partition
| table again. Reboot, same thing...


Vista scoots to new boot, but it's still kinda rooted

,----[ Quote ]
| While Microsoft would like the world to believe that anyone running Windows 
| has no need of any other operating system, that attitude doesn?t cut much 
| mustard with many of its users.
| Why settle for one OS when your PC is easily capable of running two or 
| more?
| [...]
| One of the more questionable tactics that Microsoft has implemented in
| Vista is to automatically overwrite any existing MBR during the
| installation process without asking if you mind or giving you an option
| to back up.
| Microsoft says that the Windows installation system can't intelligently
| interrogate an existing non-MS MBR, although such features are quite
| common in the install routine for other OSes.
| It also argues that an "official" Vista MBR is required for security
| features -- such as measured boot, which works with Trusted Platform
| Module (TPM)-enabled chips to check that the OS hasn't been hacked or
| altered each time it boots -- to work correctly.


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