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[News] MySQL at Risk (Opportunity) of Forking, PostgreSQL Discussed

Will MySQL Keep Lighting up LAMP?

,----[ Quote ]
| There was nothing subtle about this concern. During his keynote address, 
| Mickos was asked by an audience member if Sun/MySQL was still committing to 
| keeping Linux as one of its prime operating systems. Mickos replied that 
| Sun/MySQL was "still committed to Linux." After all, Mickos added, "If we 
| aren't committed, then any one of you can take the MySQL code and fork it to 
| make a new MySQL product, which I am sure you would do if Sun tried to 
| convert LAMP to SAMP."      


What MySQL Can Learn from PostgreSQL

,----[ Quote ]
| Changing the model of MySQL must happen for Sun to justify spending the 
| money. 



MySQL reserves features for paying customers; open-source community up in arms

,----[ Quote ]
| Officials at Sun Microsystems Inc., which acquired MySQL in February, 
| confirmed that new online backup capabilities now under development will be 
| offered only to MySQL Enterprise customers — not to the much larger number of 
| users of the free MySQL Community edition.   


MySQL and "commercial extensions:" Core, complements, and semantics

,----[ Quote ]
| Perhaps it's just a matter of semantics (Marc Fleury certainly believes it 
| is), but I think MySQL would have been wiser (at least as an interim step) to 
| adopt Red Hat's model rather than don the hairshirt over commercial 
| extensions, without clearly defining what this means.   


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