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Re: [News] [Rival] Rumour: Microsoft to Just Imitate Apple

____/ Linonut on Sunday 13 April 2008 15:16 : \____

> * Roy Schestowitz peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> Microsoft Considering Its Own Retail Stores
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| If Microsoft does open its own stores, the company will likely staff the
>>| locations with Microsoft employees to help present its products exactly the
>>| way it wants. Presumably, Microsoft's stores would offer products like
>>| Windows Vista, the Windows version of Office, the Xbox 360, the Zune media
>>| player, and possibly even Office for the Mac.
>> `----
>> http://www.macobserver.com/article/2008/04/11.8.shtml
> Be sure to genuflect before entering the Microsoft Store.  And make the
> Sign of the M.
>> Microsoft Looks Within to Design and Test Chips
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| For more than two decades, Microsoft's software and
>>| Intel's processors were so wedded that the pairingc
>>| ame to be known as Wintel. But as that computing era
>>| wanes, Microsoft is turning to a new source of chip
>>| design: its own labs.
>> `----
>> http://tinyurl.com/ydtq7k
> It'll be awhile.

They sought was to become profitable at the time (2006). Windows and Office are
not enough and they won't sustain themselves; not at the current cost anyway
(and copyright infringement levels). Microsoft understands this, but it has
failed to deliver alternatives revenue sources such as Mobile, Entertainment
(Zune, XBox, etc) and Web. Each of these, as far as I know, loses $billions,
only to be partly cushioned by temporarily (probably decreasingly) profitable

Raikes Steps Aside

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is shuffling its executive ranks, with today's surprise 
| announcement that Jeff Raikes, president of the Business division, will leave 
| the company. Uh-oh. He's not the only executive on the way out the door.  
| Raikes departure will have huge impact on Microsoft as it completes its 2008 
| fiscal year on June 30. His division is one of two responsible for nearly all 
|                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Microsoft's profits.   
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


One man once said:

"Truth is treason in the Empire if Lies."

In light of this quote:

Microsoft says to borrow money for Yahoo deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp said on Monday it may borrow money for the first time in its 
| history to fund a portion of its $44.6 billion unsolicited offer for Yahoo 
| Inc.  


Microsoft's DreamSpark – What a Giveaway

,----[ Quote ]
| The rest of the $44.6bn (£22.3bn) deal would be financed with an undisclosed 
| amount of credit. 
| What that means is that it must squeeze as much money as it can from its 
| operations to fund that debt and still pay dividends to shareholders, who 
| will be looking for some payback from the Yahoo takeover. Giving away 
| software is the last thing it would want to do in these circumstances, and 
| the DreamSpark announcement shows just how worried it is about the future.    


Bear Stearns's Advice To Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Co-founder Bill Gates can't be thrilled with watching
| Ballmer drain the company's cash. He didn't get so rich by buying at the top
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| of the market.  


>> Microsoft to join municipal Wi-Fi fray
>> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1035_22-6135679.html
>> Gates to generate your electricity
>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=35521
>> Microsoft takes it to the bank
>> http://arstechnica.com/journals/microsoft.ars/2006/11/14/5956
>> Microsoft Refuses To Acknowledge Major Wireless Headset Flaws

More 'ideas' that never materialised in the form of success.

Microsoft’s credibility turning to junk while Linux revenue grows

,----[ Quote ]
| Sweeping changes are needed in Microsoft’s go-to-market approach, and it may 
| find more success by creating products like Live Writer, which found a huge 
| following right away. Continuing on its current path, the company will 
| continue to destroy its credibility and build animosity with users looking 
| for quality products on their terms.    


Microsoft Plummets, Retail Falls While Beauty Gains in CoreBrand 2007 Brand
Power Rankings

,----[ Quote ]
| The annual "CoreBrand Brand Power 100" Branding Index(R) of 1,200 US 
| corporations ranks Coca-Cola Company and Johnson & Johnson at #1 and #2 
| respectively, unchanged since 2004. Meanwhile, Microsoft's corporate brand 
| declined in stunning fashion over the past four years, falling from 11 in 
| 2004 to 59 in 2007 Microsoft, a decline of 48 places!    


,----[ Quote ]
| Would you believe... that Microsoft has dropped down to #86 within the 
| Fortune Best Places to Work survey? That's down from #50 in 2007 and #42 in 
| 2006. Like a rock. In a bad way. And who is #1 for two years in a row? Grab 
| that chair and give it a big effen toss in the air to Google! Toot! They get 
| bigger and they're still #1.    


Apple has biggest impact on world consumers: survey

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft, the world's largest software maker was also a winner, but it 
| received the dubious honor of the brand most readers wanted to argue with, 
| and the one they most wanted to revamp. Voted into second place in the 
| category was brand USA.   


It figures. To repeat the quote above:

"Truth is treason in the Empire if Lies."

The truth is that Microsoft top management is departing or has already
departed. They can blame the recession all they want, but Free software is
apathetic towards this.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useful fact: close elevator button = Express Mode
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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