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Re: Windows sales drop 25%

____/ Matt on Tuesday 29 April 2008 21:59 : \____

> Tom Shelton wrote:
>> - but, I don't think you can say
>> anything about MS's future off of one slightly disapointing quarter -
>> especially when the US is currently sitting on the verge of a recession.
> An average of three consecutive recent quarters compared to an average
> of three consecutive quarters a year earlier would tell the story.
> You can correct for any recession by making the same comparison for
> computer sales.  If Windows is maintaining market share, the change in
> computer sales will match the change in Windows sales.
> One trend that can't be denied is that MS is getting less per copy of
> Windows sold or given.  That represents price drops due to piracy and Linux.

I'd give Tom the benefit of the doubt if this wasn't the first time that he
span a loss in Microsoft's favour.

As I said before, he should "mail Mary Jo, Joe Wilcox and dozens of other
pro-Microsoft journalists that could not find better explanations (other than
lame excuses) for this major drop."

                ~~ Best of wishes

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