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[News] Sun Brings NetBeans Closes to MySQL; Django on Linux Tutorial

NetBeans 6.1 packs welcome additions

,----[ Quote ]
| Another area that has seen significant advance is support for MySQL - no 
| surprise now that MySQL is owned by Sun, really. The database explorer 
| includes new support for MySQL, including easier registration of servers, 
| links to the admin tools - which have to be installed locally - and the 
| easier creation of connections. It's a sure sign of things to come in the 
| future. Hopefully forthcoming releases will include more in the way of 
| integrating MySQL tools within NetBeans rather than simply acting as a front 
| end to them.       


Deploying and tuning Django

,----[ Quote ]
| I used shared hosting for my Django-based Encyclopedia of Programming 
| Languages (Russian version), but realized, that I need dedicated server for  
| more performance and stability. For now, I chose cheap server with 1,8 GHz 
| CPU and 512 Mb RAM, with CentOS 5 installed.  


Days ago:

Java - 100 per cent open source by end of this year

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun is to open source the last closed-source parts of Java, a move that 
| should make it possible to fully integrate the software into Linux  
| distributions. 


Sun woos Linux distros with bundle deals

,----[ Quote ]
| The goal is for distros to come with Sun's open source Java Enterprise 
| Edition project Glassfish, the NetBeans development framework, and the Java 
| Standard Edition project OpenJDK.  
| Sun is reaching out to Debian, after parts of Glassfish began showing up in 
| the distro - Sun would, obviously, like to see all of Glassfish ship with 
| Debian.  
| Sun is also working to build on early work with Ubuntu. As of now, OpenJDK is 
| available in the Hardy Heron release of Ubuntu. 


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