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Re: [News]Hi-tech criminals target Twitter

Attila wrote:

> This one is from the Beeb.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7543014.stm
> I love the last sentence of the article:
> "Only those using Microsoft Windows are vulnerable to infection from these
> malicious programs."
> That really says it all.

I think that's brilliant!....

..and by that I'm referring to the BBC treatment of the story.
It's about a year ago that I was commenting here about the BBC referring
to "computer viruses" when they really meant "Windows viruses".  I encouraged
people here to write (very politely) to the BBC and complain, as I did myself
2 or 3 times.

Whether our tiny contribution had any effect we will never know.  I doubt it,
but they seem to have changed for the better in this respect.  I've noticed
the same thing for several months now.

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