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Re: [News] 7% of the PCs in the UK Claimed to Have No Windows

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____/ Felmon on Monday 04 August 2008 17:54 : \____

> On Mon, 04 Aug 2008 08:39:23 +0000, Roy Schestowitz quoth:
>>> you know the German scene. can't imagine Datenschutz would allow them
>>> to publish their logs but I dunno. but is it browser statistics you are
>>> referring to? or something else?
>>> Felmon
>> It's just one population. It would be bogus statistics, unless you study
>> just E-bay users in Germany alone.
> I suppose it is impossible to get reliable statistics about this matter,
> at least every figure is open to reasonable dispute. but I was curious
> whether anyone knows the scene a bit, my only contribution being I figure
> something must be going on in Germany given what I see on the newstands.
> but not in the university I know which at least in the humanities is all
> Windows on the desktop though the server is some kind of Linux, I forget
> which.
> Felmon

Don't forget the tablets, the terminals, routers, PDAs, phones, computing
cluster etc. The desktop is just one among many apparatuses that connect to
the Net or perform some function on a processor (desktop processors, notably
those x86 chips, only make up about 2% of the world's processors).

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Reversi for Linux/Win32: http://othellomaster.com
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