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Re: [News] 7% of the PCs in the UK Claimed to Have No Windows

On Mon, 04 Aug 2008 21:02:44 +0200, Hadron wrote:

> "Tony(UK)" <tony_smith100@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 14:07:38 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
>>> Well there you have it.
>>> I guess the BBC was wrong about Linux's desktop market share being
>>> around 0.8 percent or so.

> "as you know" - this has sock written all over it.

I'll leave the use of these to others. Don't assume. Thank you for your attention. 
My Usenet name is Tony(UK) and has been since 1994. Prick.
Anyway, don't stick your nose into other people's business.
I was answering Gary/Flatfish/Moshe whatever his name is.  

> For goodness, sake for every Linux user that "boycotts" the BBC there
> are probably 10 Windows one who do the same for whatever mad cap reason.
Err, and your point is what exactly? Mad cap reason? I won't elaborate, as there is no point as you come from 
outside the UK, but it has to do with STM, capping and iPlayer ISP battles about bandwidth. Please don't 
pretend you know what goes on here as you don't care, so don't try to argue. 

>> The BBC is /was/ revered and respected around the world - that doesn't
>> necessarily mean the people living in the UK hold the same views about
>> it anymore.
> Don't be ridiculous.

I wasn't - actually, I was making a statement. Just because you don't agree, it is 'ridiculous' is it?
Live in the UK for 53 years. Then see what is ridiculous and what isn't.
>> As an aside, I note your use of the word 'Retard' in previous threads,
>> and your subsequent apology. I am disabled myself, and appreciate that
>> it is easy to use these words in anger, but harder to acknowledge that
>> it is wrong to do so. Thank you for doing that.
> "Retard" in this sense means "retarded" not disabled. There is a
> difference.

Now, that /is/ ridiculous. A retard means (in the context that it was written):
2. A mentally retarded person. [Colloq. and disparaging]  [PJC] 

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