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[News] SELinux and GNU/Linux Clouds Popularised by IBM

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LinuxWorld preview: IBM engineer touts SELinux

,----[ Quote ]
| As SELinux adoption grows, therefore, the research-and-development challenge 
| is to make it more user-friendly. "As we find issues, we'll fix them," 
| Shanker said. "We have to make it easier for the regular person to use. Once 
| they learn it, they love it."   


IBM invests $360 million in cloud computing

,----[ Quote ]
| Now IBM has thrown a few hundred million into the technology as well...



Open source + open data = Open cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| The same holds true for Google, Yahoo!, and other Web 2.0 companies. The
| clouds they are creating are closed, though Google has been doing some of the
| right things with open data pledges and increasing commitments to open
| source. (Not everyone is convinced.)
| So, users need to be vigilant about keeping themselves from getting entangled
| with cloud lock-in. Demanding open source and open data guarantees are two
| ways. Requiring that the devices we use to access the cloud remain open is
| another way, and one that Tim suggested in his keynote. Preventing the web
| world from being consolidated into the hands of a very few players is another
| way, as Larry Lessig has argued.


Commercializing the Cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| Still, what we’re seeing today is an evolutionary step beyond the earlier
| vision. The cloud centers, analysts note, rely on a technological bedrock of
| industry-standard server computers and open-source software like Linux,
| linked together in massive computing clusters. Many of the techniques were
| initially developed in the nation’s federal supercomputing labs. The
| technology was applied at scale by the pioneering Internet companies (think
| Amazon, Yahoo and Google), and now I.B.M. and its commercial brethren are
| beginning to offer cloud computing.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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