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[News] Strong New Resistance to the Intellectual Monopolies (IPR) Scam

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Copyrights != 'Intellectual' 'Property'

Against Intellectual Property

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, I'm just an amateur in this demolition game compared to some of 
| the big thinkers here, such as Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine, authors 
| of the fine "Against Intellectual Monopoly".  
| But there's another classic in the field, newly available for free download. 
| It's N. Stephan Kinsella's "Against Intellectual Property". It's notable not 
| just for its rigorous analysis, but also for the clarity of its exposition, 
| which makes it accessible to all.   


Keeping The Benevolent Dictators Of Silicon Valley Honest

,----[ Quote ]
| So, what happens is that other countries set up their own Silicon Valleys by 
| focusing on protectionism (greater intellectual property rules, non-competes, 
| hugely funded labs), and ignore the power of the cross pollination of ideas 
| and people throughout Silicon Valley, which make it that much more difficult 
| for any single company to abuse the trust of the people they serve. Should 
| any company turn away from benevolence, that openness almost guarantees a 
| more open competitor shows up in return (sometimes with the same employees 
| from the older company). That openness drives innovation, but also keeps 
| these benevolent dictators honest.        


"The danger is that Microsoft is using strategic monopolistic pricing in the
education market, with the government’s assistance, to turn our state
university systems into private workforce training programs for Microsoft."

                                --Nathan Newman


An Interview with Richard Stallman

,----[ Quote ]
| However, our focus here is software, not medicine. Software is not a matter
| of life and death, but still it is a pretty important area for the society.
| It affects everyone who uses computers, after all. People sometimes get
| misled by the term "software patents". We are not talking about patenting
| programs. We are talking about patenting ideas that can be implemented in
| programs, ideas for calculations or actions that might be carried out in part
| of a program.
| Any substantial program implements many ideas together. A large program
| combines thousands of ideas. Look at your word processor. You will see
| hundreds of different features. Well, each of those features is at least one
| idea, or there may be dozens of ideas combined in just one feature. You could
| find thousands of ideas just in the interface of the word processor, and
| that's not counting the ideas that are used internally and that are not
| visible to the users.
| Well if any of those ideas can be patented, the consequence is anybody who
| develops a word processor is laying himself open potentially to hundreds of
| different patent law suits about hundreds of different patents, each of which
| covers some idea implemented in some part of this large program. This makes
| software development like crossing a minefield. With each step--each design
| decision—probably nothing bad happens. But there is a certain chance that
| your design decision steps on a software patent, which explodes. Fortunately
| this doesn't kill you, but it destroys your project. This system is
| absolutely stupid for software development. This is the most crucial thing
| for people to realize about software and patents. It's not a matter of
| patenting a program; it's a matter of patenting the ideas that the developer
| puts together to make a program. Far from being something beneficial for
| software developers, instead, it's a dangerous for a software developer to
| develop a software package--he likely to be the victim of a patent law suit.

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