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[News] "Switzerland" Secures Net Neutrality

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EFF Offers New Tool To Test ISP Interference

,----[ Quote ]
| On the heels of today's relatively toothless "sanction" against Comcast, the 
| Electronic Frontier Foundation has released a new tool to help consumers 
| check for ISP skulduggery. Dubbed "Switzerland," the open source tool is part  
| of the EFF's Test Your ISP Project, and is being developed to give consumers 
| a simple way to determine whether their ISP is quietly tinkering with 
| application traffic.    



New Site: The Toll Reads?

,----[ Quote ]
| Net Neutrality refers to free access to the Internet without discrimination 
| based upon how often a user accesses the Internet or how much broadband 
| capacity they utilize. Advocates for Net Neutrality believe that users are 
| entitled to unlimited access in order to preserve current freedoms as well as 
| to prevent broadband providers from abusing their power to block applications 
| they do not favor or to discriminate between content providers. Critics of 
| Net Neutrality and associated legislative proposals believe that Net 
| Neutrality rules would reduce incentives to upgrade networks and launch next 
| generation network services and, in turn, inhibit the most efficient access 
| to the broadband network.         


Comcast Slapped with Three BitTorrent-Related Lawsuits

,----[ Quote ]
| The suits each allege that Comcast misled customers in regards to advertised
| claims of "unfettered" Internet access. Lawyers argue in actuality,
| Comcast "intentionally blocks or otherwise impedes its customers' access to
| peer-to-peer file sharing and other Internet applications." By impersonating
| the computers of users attempting to share files, Comcast sent "reset
| packets" that instruct the transmitting computers to stop sending data.


Open Source P2P Streaming: Set to Disrupt CDN Biz Models

,----[ Quote ]
| P2P Next’s SwarmPlayer is loosely based on research that a team of P2P
| developers at the Delft University of Technology has been doing in the last
| couple of years.


Open Source P2P Streaming Getting Ready to Disrupt CDN Business Models


Court Strikes Down Internet Censorship Law

,----[ Quote ]
| We just received word today that the Third Circuit struck down a federal
| Internet censorship law as unconstitutional. The law, called the Child Online
| Protection Act, imposed civil and criminal penalties on those who
| place “harmful to minors” material on the Web. Under this law, no adult, no
| matter how mature or responsible, would have been allowed to see material
| that is deemed unfit for a child. The law would have forced vast swaths of
| constitutionally protected speech off of the Web.
`----              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


US Court Strikes Down COPA, Again

,----[ Quote ]
| A U.S. appeals court has for the third time struck down a law intended to
| keep Web sites with sexually oriented themes away from children, with judges
| saying the law is a vague and overly broad attack on free speech.
`----                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


The war on photographers - you're all al Qaeda suspects now


Bavaria sanctions police spyware

,----[ Quote ]
| Bavaria has become the first German state to approve laws that allow police
| to plant spyware on the PCs of terror suspects.


Warning over phone calls database

,----[ Quote ]
| A central database holding details of everyone's phone calls and emails could
| be a "step too far for the British way of life", ministers have been warned.


US civil rights activists protest new wiretapping law

,----[ Quote ]
| The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed suit against the US
| government to protest the new Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
| recently passed by Congress. The civil rights organisation believes that the
| far-reaching authority granted by the Act, which has now been signed by
| George W. Bush, is unconstitutional.

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