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[News] [SOT] Google Suggest Goes Live (Leaving Rivals Further Behind)

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Google to 'Suggest' search results

,----[ Quote ]
| New feature that predicts user's search queries to be rolled out over the 
| next week. 


It has already been enabled in YouTube for a few days.

Google Suggest Becoming Available By Default

,----[ Quote ]
| When a kid says "look what I can do" and then hops up and down, his parents 
| (and parents' friends) are obligated to smile and applaud.  With a similar 
| mindset, we bring you word that Google Suggest is going mainstream.  
| Work on Google Suggest began about four years ago.  It's been part of Google 
| Labs for a while, and has shown up in some random places like Google Maps and 
| YouTube.  Somehow, the feature just never made it to Google.com.  



Google outpaces search market growth

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's quantity searches in the United States during July surged 16 percent
| over the last year, cementing the company's lead at the top of the market,
| according to statistics released Tuesday by Nielsen Online.


Google Gets 70% of U.S. Searches

,----[ Quote ]
| But Google's gain led to lower numbers for other search companies. Yahoo Inc.
| received 19.62% of U.S. searches in June, down from 21.31% last year, while
| MSN Search received 5.46%, down from 9.85% in June 2007.


Microsoft shifts its search to AOL

,----[ Quote ]
| "To remain competitive in online advertising Microsoft needs to quickly
| expand its footprint on the internet. But there is a limited number of large
| internet companies or operations to buy."


Microsoft's new tack: Bribery as a business model

,----[ Quote ]
| But truth be told, it's not the worst idea. What's the harm in giving it a
| shot? In a recession--or whatever you want to call the current economic
| malaise in the United States--consumers are open to bribes (oh, I forgot:
| rebates). So why not see if this strikes the people's fancy? But this is only
| a holding action. The reason more people use Google's search is the user
| experience. It works better, so they keep returning. Microsoft CEO Steve
| Ballmer knows this.


Is Microsoft spamming websites to boost its numbers?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft claims that it's all part of a quality control effort, but a rising
| number of web masters is complaining that Microsoft is trying to inflate its
| Live.com traffic delivery by spamming websites.



Microsoft funding bankrupt Live Search experiment with porn spam

,----[ Quote ]
| Dear reader, please tell me: what do you think of a search engine that steals
| (bandwidth and AdSense revenue), lies, spams away, and is not clever enough
| to stop their criminal activities when they’re caught?
| Recently a Live Search rep whined in an interview because so many robots.txt
| files out there block their crawler...


Microsoft’s Club Live fiasco

,----[ Quote ]
| People were using the macro on more than 3 games at a time, on more than 2
| accounts at a time, why Microsoft didn’t pick up on the fact that in the
| first few days some people had accumulated enough for 3 Zunes each is beyond
| us. Some were lucky, others, not so much.
| [...]
| So far no one has been banned from using their accounts, which they needed to
| sign up, probably because they did not break any laws, or probably because
| Microsoft didn’t want that hassle and liked their new found traffic.


Bots Helped To Boost Microsoft Live Search Gains

,----[ Quote ]
| In a blog post, Compete analyst Steve Willis attributed Microsoft's
| search gains to prizes awarded to users participating in Live Search
| Club, which features games that post queries to Microsoft's search
| engine.
| [...]
| Microsoft is essentially being DDoSed by thousands of people hundreds
| of times per minute, but they are mistaking this rise in traffic for
| people actually using Live Search."

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