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[News] Linux Proof of Getting Paid for Writing GPLed Software

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Who writes Linux? (And how you can too!)

,----[ Quote ]
| 70% of contributions came from developers working for companies. Red Hat is 
| at the forefront with 11.2% then Novell (8.9%) and IBM (8.3%.) The top 10 
| individual contributors collectively provided 15% of kernel changes.  
| Yet, by far the largest single change contributor – at 13.9% - is the 
| contributor listed as “none.” This is all the single developers who are just 
| working on their own without the backing of any company. As much as major 
| vendors are providing for the future of Linux there’s still definitely a 
| place for lone coders with passion and enthusiasm, in the spirit of Torvalds.    



The New Linux Developer Network

,----[ Quote ]
| We’ve hired a new guy to run the LDN, Brian Proffitt.  He’s been hard at work
| since the moment he started, asking lots of questions and building a new
| infrastructure in an amazing amount of time.  And now, you can see the
| results of his initial work.


Linux is a platform, not an OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft, a staunch opponent of Linux, already understands this very
| vividly.   They no longer see Windows as just an "operating system", but as
| an entire platform.  They realize that the only way Windows has a prayer of
| surviving, especially in today's open source world, is if everything runs on
| Windows, including every FOSS program out there.  They've even admitted that
| as much themselves, saying that they think that all open source should run on
| Windows.
| And Apple is no different, nor Sun, nor IBM.  They see their respective
| operating systems as platforms, not OS's.  Sure, IBM supports Linux, but they
| also support IBM Unix, and in both cases they see their respective operating
| systems as platforms onto which they place lots of other software.  So
| ultimately one of the biggest failings of Linux marketing is that people are
| working too hard to sell the operating system side of it, but failing to sell
| the platform aspects of it.


5 things you didn’t know about linux kernel code metrics

,----[ Quote ]
| I started with writing a small script that:
|    1. downloads a 2.6.0 kernel, analyzes it using SLOCCount written by David
|       Wheeler
|    2. patches to one step newer kernel and analyzes it using the same tool.
|    3. goes to number 2 until patches run out at 2.6.26
| Just in case I also used a different tool called cloc to analyze the same
| code. Word of comment on tools used is at the end of this post.
| This script ate 477MB of disk space with tarballs and bzipped patches.
| 1. The kernel has just reached 6 millions lines with 2.6.26!
| Linux kernel lines of code
| Linux kernel lines of code
| Yes, indeed, with 2.6.26 we’ve reached over 6 million lines of code. You can
| see that on the chart on the right (click for a normal size version).
| Both SLOCCount and CLOC show similar results. What is interesting here is
| that:
|     * there’s over a million of blank lines,
|     * and a million lines of comments (which are of course important too),
|     * the code shows a faster-than-linear growth characteristic,
|     * if current speed is maintained I predict we might get 7 million with
|       2.6.30 and 8 million with 2.6.33, just look at the forecast.



Linux contributor base broadens

,----[ Quote ]
| With more companies funding Linux work, the core hackers now delegate
| 70% of the coding

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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