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Re: [News] Speculation: Microsoft Might Want to Steal GNU/Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Microsoft and Novell: Buying In or Selling Out?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft could be investing in Novell for a complete buyout at some
> | point in the future after Novell developers create the ultimate OS for
> | them, using Microsoft's money, of course. $300+ million buys you a lot
> | of development.
> `----
> http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3012.html
> Yesterday:
> Novell and Microsoft: Stop with the FUD already
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | In an e-mail interview with Ian Bruce, Novell's public relations
> | director, Bruce wrote me that customers wanted the Novell/Microsoft
> | package, in part, because it "provides IP (intellectual property) peace
> | of mind for organizations operating in mixed source environments."
> |
> | It does? Since when?
> `----

In regards to MSFT stealing Linux.... they can try, but once the bite into
it, the GPL will choke the crap out of them. And... if for some reason it
doesn't... we'll just FORK and go our happy ways...

Honestly though... MSFT's next OS, being speculated as "breaking all ties
with legacy windows platforms" could mean that the boys in Redmond are
developing web apps that run on linux... No OS development involved, just
application developement and... of course... good salesmanship...

I've always said it, MSFT could sell dead cats if they wanted to... and they
did for years if not decades.


Jerry McBride (jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx)

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