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Re: [News] OLPC in India Called a Success

7 wrote:
Micoshaft Fraudster and Asstrotufer NG wrote on behalf of Micoshaft

Roy Schestowitz wrote:


I have to say

You are off topic and frequently engaged in posting net abuse.

You don't control the NG. And you are doing a whole lot of abusing by cross posting Linux stuff to MS Communities and other Windows NG(s). You're even abusing this NG yourself. I don't think you realize it either.

I don't know who or what the hell you think you are. Maybe, the pot calling the kettle black? :) Just the other day, I saw you out of control abusing someone in this NG.

Now, you run on down the road and go door to door trying to sale Linux by passing out fliers and the sale of Linux magazines, like some kind of a crazed zombie.

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