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Re: [News] Red Hat CEO Challenges Microsoft to Actually Name Patents

____/ [H]omer on Saturday 09 February 2008 02:55 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that NG spake thusly:
>> 7 wrote:
>>> I think patent laws need to be changed. If a company aquires a
>>> patent, and it knows of an infringing party, then the intent to
>>> deal with it must be registered with the patent office from the
>>> date of knowledge within 48 hours or lose the right to sue. A
>>> letter must be sent to the infringer on the same date. The
>>> infringer notices must be on public record for all to see. The
>>> registration must also state if this infringement is thought to
>>> have come about due to seredipity or believed to be malicious. If
>>> its recorded as malicious, then some accompanying evidence must be
>>> deposed at the time stating why it is malicious.
>> Thank god you're not in charge of anything, as all the people on the
>> world would be at each other's throat, as that's how much you would
>> have the world messed-up.
> Well which is better; innuendo (i.e. FUD) or hard facts and evidence?
> If someone was spreading rumours around your town that you were a
> rapist, would you just accept those false allegations, or would you
> challenge that person to prove their claims? In fact, wouldn't you make
> a formal complaint to the police, or at least begin slander proceedings?
> Ballmer is spreading false allegations about GNU/Linux supposedly
> infringing Microsoft's "IP", and has point blank refused to provide any
> evidence at all. IMHO this should be a crime in itself, and thugs like
> Ballmer should be sent to prison, where he belongs.
> So I agree with "7" completely. No one should be allowed to make false
> patent claims with complete impunity, and anyone who /does/ make such
> claims should be /required/ by law to prove them, or face prosecution
> themselves.
> Of course that does not necessarily mean that /everyone/ who holds
> patents must dedicate themselves to identifying all infringers, much
> less even /make/ infringement claims to begin with, but if they /do/
> decide to aggressively enforce their so-called "Intellectual Property",
> then they should be prepared to put their money where their mouth is, or
> shut the Hell up. Period.

Microsoft violates Germany law as far as I know (empty accusations). Maybe
someone should give Neelie a ring.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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