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Re: [News] Red Hat CEO Challenges Microsoft to Actually Name Patents

"Moshe Goldfarb" <brick.n.straw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:1e34gteujez7j$.1v002yrydnbtb$.dlg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
On Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:43:41 -0500, NG wrote:

7 wrote:
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

Q&A: New Red Hat boss targets virtualization, execution as keys to future

,----[ Quote ]
| You have a strong business background, is signing a cross-patent
| licensing deal with Microsoft still bad business for Red Hat?
| If we knew what kind of patent issues we had that would be helpful. So | it is hard to have productive conversation if we don't know what they
| are.


I think patent laws need to be changed.
If a company aquires a patent, and it knows of an infringing party,
then the intent to deal with it must be registered with the
patent office from the date
of knowledge within 48 hours or lose the right to sue.
A letter must be sent to the infringer on the same date.
The infringer notices must be on public record for all
to see. The registration must also state if this infringement is thought to
have come about due to seredipity or believed to be malicious.
If its recorded as malicious, then some accompanying evidence
must be deposed at the time stating why it is malicious.

Thank god you're not in charge of anything, as all the people on the
world would be at each other's throat, as that's how much you would have
the world messed-up.

7 is in charge of the pay toilets at the local park.
He gets to refill the toilet paper, clean the bowls and collect the dimes.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:

Common news items make a strong case that America is falling back in an
increasingly technical world, and that somehow, owing to increasing
population or something of the sort, this change in America's rank is
inevitable.  I don't like that idea, I don't agree with it, and I think
I see a better explanation for this downward rating change, right at
hand.  To see it, just read the preceding three emails in this thread.

In my view, a workable remedy to some of the patents abuses going on
now here in America, is outlined nicely.  The two elevator boy answers
to it, are off topic.  ...Elevator boy?  That's someone who pushes up
his status (within his own mind, not elsewhere) by low-intellect
negative evaluation of the party under discussion -- never mind the

Cheers -- Martha Adams   [cola 2008 Feb 8]

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