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Re: [News] French Police Moves to GNU/Linux!!

Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 10:19:38 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Thank goodness for /choice/. The other day, Joe Wilcox echoed my
>> analysis and said that Microsoft wants to cage Linux users inside
>> one distribution (SUSE) and then crush it like it crushes companies.

Great minds think alike </dripping sarcasm>

> You're sounding more and more like Rex Ballard every day, Roy
> Schestowitz. You way over estimate your importance to Linux and Linux
> advocacy.

He's already a legend on cola, and once you conquer this backwater newsgroup 
there's no telling how far a Linux "advocate" will go in life... especially 
with Windows and VB skills on his resume.

> So how long before you start claiming that ext3 is really based upon
> a file system called "SHYSTER" that you wrote years ago and was
> stolen from your lunch box?


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