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Re: [News] French Police Moves to GNU/Linux!!

On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 14:54:43 -0500, DFS wrote:

> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 10:19:38 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Thank goodness for /choice/. The other day, Joe Wilcox echoed my
>>> analysis and said that Microsoft wants to cage Linux users inside
>>> one distribution (SUSE) and then crush it like it crushes companies.
> Great minds think alike </dripping sarcasm>


>> You're sounding more and more like Rex Ballard every day, Roy
>> Schestowitz. You way over estimate your importance to Linux and Linux
>> advocacy.
> He's already a legend on cola, and once you conquer this backwater newsgroup 
> there's no telling how far a Linux "advocate" will go in life... especially 
> with Windows and VB skills on his resume.

And yet he couldn't figure out how to filter an ISP yet let a particular
person (Ghost) through.
He had to go to William "Filters" Poaster for that one.

Schestowitz can't be much of a programmer.

>> So how long before you start claiming that ext3 is really based upon
>> a file system called "SHYSTER" that you wrote years ago and was
>> stolen from your lunch box?
> ha!

Yea Roy Schestowitz is a monster that COLA nuts created.
Someday they will be sorry.
Mark my words, they will be sorry.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:

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