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Re: [News] Britain Closer to Banning Tools Found in GNU/Linux Distros?

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> UK gov sets rules for hacker tool ban
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| A revamp of the UK's outdated computer crime laws is long overdue. However, 
>| provisions to ban the development, ownership and distribution of 
>| so-called "hacker tools" draw sharp criticism from industry. Critics point 
>| out that many of these tools are used by system administrators and security  
>| consultants quite legitimately to probe for vulnerabilities in corporate 
>| systems.    
> `----
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/01/02/hacker_toll_ban_guidance/
> Wait until they redefine and reclassify what qualifies as 'hacker' tool (DMCA?
> Perl?).

What about those tools which home users use to probe for vulnerabilities
in their own systems?  Why should only "consultants" be allowed to use
such tools?  Why do governments even try to understand this stuff?

We are quite likely to end up with a situation where only the criminals
are able to use standard components of linux distributions on the UK.
Legitimate users will be prevented from securing their own systems.

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