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Re: eee PC linux user experience

____/ LR on Thursday 24 January 2008 22:47 : \____

>> Asus put out a very small laptop last year called the eee pc.  It runs a
>> variety of Xandros.  I suggested that a friend get one so he could check
>> email and use websites that run Java apps when out of his house.  So he
>> did and he loves it.
>> He loves the reactions he gets from people at pubs when he sits at the bar
>> using it.  He two sons, ages 10 and 18.  I asked him how they liked using
>> it and to my astonishment, he said the boys couldn't use it.  He said he
>> didn't want it getting "all gunked up with spyware, viruses and adware"
>> from visiting dodgy websites, opening random attachments and downloading
>> sketchy software like has happened to every other computer he's let them
>> use.
>> I tried to explain how unlikely that was with his Xandros OS, but he
>> wouldn't believe me!  Besides, he likes having an excuse to keep the Eee
>> pc to himself!
> Cool. Can you install XP on it?

Yes, but you can also install DOS. Why would you?

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Stand for nothing and you will fall for anything"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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