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Re: [News] RMS Responds to Media's Gates Obssession and Unethical Software

Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
> ____/ Homer on Friday 04 July 2008 05:57 : \____

>> Wow!
>> The MSBBC gives voice to Stallman.
>> And even publishes the article under cc-by-nd
>> (at Stallman's insistence I bet).
>> Gates really /has/ left the building.
> Well, Huggers is still in that other building.

Maybe not for much longer.

The Vole won't bother keeping their plants in place once they start
loosing their grip, and the Beeb seem to be getting very friendly with
Adobe these days. I have a feeling that iPlayer may soon be based on Air®.


| "Stallman has frequently pointed out, Free Software is by no means
| antithetical to making money: it's just a question of how you make
| money." ~ Glyn Moody: http://tinyurl.com/4wn2l2 (ComputerworldUK)

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