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Re: Mandriva Linux 2008: Good Stuff!

On 2008-07-02, Psyc Geek <psycgeeks@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> they don't know what an ISO is?

    You mean they can't just double click it in Windows and have 
it  magically turned into a CD? Then WHAT THE HELL is the bloody 
thing for anyways?

    They must be equally confused by ZIP files, EXE files and MSI files.

> they don't have a good reason?
> most of the world is on windows or mac?
> confused by disk partitions?

   Not relevant.

> never heard of linux?
> they don't want to type in a terminal?

   Tired old FUD.

> don't want to sudo or root?

   ...then better stay far FAR FAR away from Vista then.

> have no idea what a package manager is?

   ...it's like that thing in Windows that's named so it sounds
like you can actually install stuff with it (but you can't).

> shall i go on, mr geek?

   Sure, you might find a decent reason eventually.

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