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[News] Single Unified GNU/Linux Distribution a Curse

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Too many Linux distributions?

,----[ Quote ]
| In the end, there isn’t any advantage to having only one dominant Linux 
| distribution either. Yes, new users wouldn’t be confused and there would be 
| only one way to install software, making it easier for package maintainers. 
| But what would be the point? To lure in new users? To take on Windows and OS 
| X? Why? There’s this feeling among some people that Linux HAS to grow, that 
| it HAS to become the dominant OS, because it’s (arguably) so much better. I 
| don’t agree. It would be nice if some people knew that the answer to their 
| virus-ridden problems is freely available, but that’s all. Otherwise, let 
| people use what they’re happy with.        


Many are also very unique. New examples:


Linux guru? then switch to Arch Linux!

,----[ Quote ]
| But, I happen to know what video card I have, the wireless card I have, the 
| printer I have, and don't need a stupid scanner. So, why have all these 
| unnecessary modules and daemons loaded up. They're only using up resources 
| (yes, I know, memory is cheap, but there are other side effects).   



Dang, Darn, Damn Small Linux!

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the means of operating DSL is as a RAM drive image. This allows for a 
| fixed read-only operating system image that flat-out can not be written to. A 
| second RAM “drive partition” is set to be the data storage and user profile 
| settings record. The system image can simply be restored by re-booting the 
| computer. For industrial applications this is the dream system setup. The 
| user is allowed to make whatever temporary setting changes he wishes but they 
| get wiped and replaced with the default setup on the next boot. Perfect!      



Installing Gentoo 2008.0 Live CD

,----[ Quote ]
| Conclusion
| So, how easy is this to install?
| It certainly doesn’t require much specific knowledge of Gentoo or how it 
| works, but neither is it for the faint hearted. 
| A significant body of previous Linux experience is expected, as you’ll be on 
| your own with respect to key concepts, such as partitioning, packages and 
| users.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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