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[News] VIA Delivers Less Free Software Than Promised

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VIA's Linux portal.  

,----[ Quote ]
| In summary, signs you may be 'doing it wrong':
|     * Your open source portal doesn't have any source code or documentation.
|     * Upstream developers have to resort to using disassemblers and similar 
|     tools to find out what changes you made. 
|     * You release binary blobs for 'the latest distros'.
|     * You aspire to be 'more like moblin.
|     * An absence of participation in existing driver efforts. How many 
|     drivers for unichrome do we need anyway? 
|     * You distribute .ko files clearly marked with MODULE_LICENSE("GPL") 
|     without corresponding source. Normally, this sort of thing isn't taken 
|     lightly. Why is this any different?  
| I'm beginning to think the only way VIA will ever really 'get it together' is 
| if they employed someone from the Linux community who actually understands 
| how all this works, because it seems someone in Taiwan isn't getting the 
| memos.   



  Via laptop goes Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| The design drawings are offered for download under a Creative Common
| Attribution Share Alike 3.0 license, but you'll probably need to hire a few
| engineering Phds and come up with a couple of million quid in development
| capital to make it all work out.


VIA Gives 16,434 Lines Of OSS Code

,----[ Quote ]
| VIA has released over 16,000 lines of code that provides a frame-buffer
| driver in the Linux kernel. This code is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 and
| appears to be crafted by VIA's Joseph Chan. Supported by this driver is VIA's
| Unichrome CLE266, K400, K800, PM800, CN700, CX700, K8M890, P4M890, P4M900,
| and VX800 IGPs.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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