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Re: [News] VIA Delivers Less Free Software Than Promised

On 2008-06-03, Moshe Goldfarb. <brick_n_straw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:48:45 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> VIA's Linux portal.  
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| In summary, signs you may be 'doing it wrong':
>>|     * Your open source portal doesn't have any source code or documentation.
>>|     * Upstream developers have to resort to using disassemblers and similar 
>>|     tools to find out what changes you made. 
>>|     * You release binary blobs for 'the latest distros'.
>>|     * You aspire to be 'more like moblin.
>>|     * An absence of participation in existing driver efforts. How many 
>>|     drivers for unichrome do we need anyway? 
>>|     * You distribute .ko files clearly marked with MODULE_LICENSE("GPL") 
>>|     without corresponding source. Normally, this sort of thing isn't taken 
>>|     lightly. Why is this any different?  
>>| I'm beginning to think the only way VIA will ever really 'get it together' is 
>>| if they employed someone from the Linux community who actually understands 
>>| how all this works, because it seems someone in Taiwan isn't getting the 
>>| memos.   
> As predicted in COLA months ago when the announcement was made.
> VIA probably figured out that Open Source is a total waste of time for
> them.

VIA is a waste of time for people in general.

They have been like this for a long time.

They are the masters of crap even if you're running Windows.

> Of course VIA makes shit products anyhow so you Linux loons are actually
> lucky they are not writing stuff for Linux.

VIA is like Microsoft: largely irrelevant to me.

     Negligence will never equal intent, no matter how you 
attempt to distort reality to do so. This is what separates         |||
the real butchers from average Joes (or Fritzes) caught up in      / | \
events not in their control.

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