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Re: Enderlie and Microsoft Shills 'Busy' in the Press

Rick wrote:
Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

I'm personally against linking his articles because he
writes a lot about Microsoft's #1 threat while it's a fact
that Microsoft is one of his clients (i.e. Microsoft pays
him). His writings offer no disclosure about it. In fact,
comparing Linux users to 9/11 'zealots' is where the man
went too far.

Microsoft is nervous. The mouthpieces are busy, which is
indicative. Analysts, so-called consultants slash journos,
USENET Munchkins...

Microsoft knows it's losing this Slog^TM.

Sure Roy Schestowitz. Sure.

Did one of those little voices in your head tell you this?

Linux users, specifically Linux advocates, are worse than
just about any other type of zealot.

Certainly not worse than you.

They LIE for LIEnix and will distort, twist and mangle
anything in order to push their Linux agenda.

Well, isn't that a bigoted statement...

They are hypocrites who use Windows software to earn their
living but yet expect others to give away their own software
for free.

You use Linux, which you got for free, and this continually
diss it.

You people, and you, Roy Schestowitz are the poster child
for the movement, are the worst thing that could ever happen
to Linux.

.. in your opinion.

You do far more harm than good to the Linux movement and you
by your SPAMMING actions make the legitimate, moderate Linux
advocates look like idiots.

... and why does Roy bother you so much? He posts Linux
related articles. He usually doesn't say anything bad bout you
and yur ilk unless attacked first, which you do regularly.

Roy, Moshe AKA Flatfish is a long term troll who has been hounding this newsgroup for years. He is loyal to Microsoft Corporation, follows their evangelistic guidelines faithfully.


Anyone who posts positive about Linux or negative about Microsoft will be falsely accused by him.

He is the Tokyo Rose of advocacy, with Windows music in the background calling advocates to surrender, to give up advocacy. When they continue and heed not his taunts, he then resorts to name calling, false accusations, relating them to homosexuality, child pornography felony, and all other sorts of unmentionable taunts. Then resorts to sock puppets to join in with his charade. In Roy's case, he follows him to all forums outside c.o.l.advocacy including Digg, where he can continue to disrupt. At times he has been known to nym-steal just like Clogwog and VistaKing (Douglas), just to make their points.

They all work together to disrupt.

If you want to respond to him, include something positive about Linux. He hates that. Also change the title of the message to something positive about Linux, put a troll alert flag.

This is something I have to say that is positively going on, that the trolls cannot disrupt.


Has a whole webpage detailing links to the financial going ons of Microsoft. Here is a latest shenanigan of the corporation:


or http://tinyurl.com/4u48nv

EU v Microsoft
Brussels probes Microsoft on schools’ costs

By Nikki Tait in Brussels

Published: May 14 2008 03:09 | Last updated: May 14 2008 03:09

European competition auth­orities are to look into allegations made by the agency advising the government on the use of technology in schools that anti-competitive practices by Microsoft have restricted choice and driven up costs.

Becta, the agency for information and communications technology in education, said on Tuesday that its complaint that there were significant obstacles to using rival products in conjunction with the software giant’s Office 2007 product had been sent to the European Commission.

The allegations will be investigated as part of the latest probe by Brussels into possible antitrust breaches by the world’s biggest software company.

Quando omni flunkus moritati
(If all else fails, play dead)
- "Red" Green

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