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Re: Why Schestowitz, et al, hate Gates

On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:33:59 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:46:02 -0400, amicus_curious wrote:
>> "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:3wr9k.15078$Xe.1141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> William Poaster wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 07:37:57 -0500, chrisv wrote:
>>>>> Tim Smith wrote:
>>>>>> Gates, quoted in an article on his retirement from MS in this
>>>>>> week's Newsweek:
>>>>>>   In terms of controversy, this whole thing about which operating
>>>>>>   system somebody uses is a pretty silly, limited thing, compared
>>>>>>   to starvation and death.
>>>>> Well, Billy sure got his, didn't he?
>>>> Doesn't it show you what a hypocrit he is: "Gates gives $100m to
>>>> fight HIV, $421m to fight Linux"
>>>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2002/11/13/gates_gives_100m_to_fight/
>>>> Maybe the Smith Mactroll would care to comment on *that*.
>>> What's to comment on, morons?  The Register article is a lying piece
>>> of trash with the kind of lying subject line only a cola "advocate"
>>> could love.
>>> Gates gave $100 million of his own money to fight AIDS (this is true),
>>> but he did not give $421 million of Microsoft's money to do anything.
>>> Comment: "Bill and Melinda Gates are philanthropists we could only
>>> dream of becoming. They have given $600 million away since the
>>> inception of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and chances are
>>> they are only getting started."
>>> So, how much philanthropic donations have the cheap-ass Linux
>>> community given away?  It's so entirely typical of lusers like cola
>>> "advocates" to criticize Gates while you dweebs write and freeload
>>> crapware and pretend you're making the kind of difference in the world
>>> Gates has.
>> It is kind of interesting to see how the true colors of many of the
>> Linux "advocates" come out in this situation.
> The Linux *advocates* in COLA are a nasty bunch of people.

You're a nasty person.

>  > Clearly they do not care as much
>> about promoting Linux as they care about demeaning Microsoft and Bill
>> Gates.
> The group should be re-named something like "alt.hate.microsoft or
> something like that.
> This is anything *but* a Linux advocacy group.

It is a Linux advocacy group. Of course, being anti-Linux, you try to 
kepp any Linuc advocacy from happening.

>> Curiously it may be even harder to cast Bill Gates' charity into a
>> negative attribute than it is to replace Windows on the desktop with
>> Linux.  How fitting for them to be distracted from one lost cause to
>> take up another!
> They realize that Linux desktop is on life support so they have to
> attack the opposition with their filth and lies.

The Linux desktop is not on life support. It is too bad that you need to 
believe that.

> Look at Roy Schestowitz for example.
> Look at how many of his posts are nothing more than off topic Microsoft
> hating SPAM.
> Yet because he puts [Rival] in front of the post this somehow makes it
> valid to post off topic messages, but the THOUSANDS, in COLA.
> It's asinine.

The purpose of COLA is to discuss the benefits of Linux compared to other 
operating systems.


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