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[News] Impressive Gallery of the Latest KDE 4.1 (Candidate) Build

  • Subject: [News] Impressive Gallery of the Latest KDE 4.1 (Candidate) Build
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 04:37:01 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
KDE 4.1: Visual Changelog (rev 783000)

,----[ Quote ]
| You don’t always see this in the official changelogs but the KDE 4 
| development is progressing in an extraordinary speed. After a deep look at 
| rev 777000 we are presenting you a new visual review of changes made to KDE 4 
| during the last couple of weeks.   


This looks brilliant. Have a look.


Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 Alpha

,----[ Quote ]
| Arriving today, albeit a week after the Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 5 release, is the 
| first KDE 4.0.1 Hardy Heron build. 


KDE 4 on old hardware

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE 4 on old hardware
| I am typing this post using KDE 4 on Kubuntu Hardy on the following hardware:
| 350MHz AMD K6-2
| 256mb RAM
| 4GB hard drive
| wireless (atheros, madwifi driver)


KDE 4: like a dream on 256Mb/1Ghz/Intel!

,----[ Quote ]
| And I was pleasantly surprised with how well it all works. With a "debugfull" 
| build from SVN. With kwin_composite 3d eye candy, on Intel. With KDE 3 
| libraries loaded too (for KPowerSave, since it's not ported yet). As they 
| like to say here in Franconia, it's like "a'Traum".   


Goodbye Vista, KDE 4.0 Has Arrived!

,----[ Quote ]
| There are only few people who know that if you look out of your 'Windows', 
| the world is much more vivid and beautiful. Apple is known for its good 
| looks, but it’s excessively expensive, while Vista is a big disappointment 
| (check Tech Cold War 2007!). Now, there is GNU/Linux which, in fact, is free 
| and offers much more options and freedom than Windows or Mac. One of the most 
| popular desktop environments on GNU/Linux platform has come out in a new 
| flavour - KDE 4.0.      


KDE 4 Brings Improvements Galore to the Linux Desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| The next generation of KDE, the popular Linux desktop environment, has 
| arrived. KDE 4.0 features a completely re-written core with new multimedia 
| libraries, better hardware abstraction and
| desktop eye candy that puts Windows Vista to shame.   


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