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Re: Bill Gates thinks he's Einstein...

____/ Linonut on Saturday 15 March 2008 18:37 : \____

> ... Petitioning Congress to "Maintain U.S. Innovation Lead".
>    Gates said he is optimistic that information technology will continue
>    to transform business productivity and the quality of our day-to-day
>    lives, adding that private companies alone cannot ensure that the
>    U.S. will remain the pre-eminent force in innovation. "Without
>    leadership from Congress and the president ... and the commitment of
>    the private sector to do its part, the center of progress will shift
>    to other nations that are more committed to the pursuit of
>    innovation," Gates said.
> Is that an admission of failure, or what?  Worse, it assumes every
> company is in the same situation as Microsoft.
> Maybe the subject line should be "Bill Gates pulls a Chrysler".

It has been fairly clear what's going on here. Once you get past the hypnosis
for Microsoft about mythical wealth you come to realise that the company
worries about running under debt with very little in terms of physical assets.
Here is the aspiration (cheaper labour):

Microsoft India centre working on Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Designers and engineers at Microsoft R&D centre in India have a new mandate 
| for development of Windows 7, the next generation operating system from 
| Microsoft Corporation, slated for release in 2009-10.  


Okay, but how do you get there? First you invite these engineers to Redmond,
WA. In order to justify this, stuff needs to be made up.

See some of the following references:

Study: There Is No Shortage of U.S. Engineers

,----[ Quote ]
| ...a new study from Duke University calls this argument bunk, stating
| that there is no shortage of engineers in the United States, and
| that offshoring is all about cost savings.


Is There a Shortage of U.S. Tech Workers?

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking before a Senate committee earlier this month, Gates said
| that America is facing a critical shortage of tech workers. He
| recommended boosting the number of H-1B visas to allow more foreign
| tech workers into the U.S.
| [...]
| "I think that has created an environment where the population of advanced 
| skill workers has shrunk a lot in the U.S., because we just haven't created 
| a fair system," he says. "Where if you go to other countries, you'll find 
| national policy around broadband deployment, which creates a much more even 
| playing field for people of all income levels to learn by and work by."
| "We did it to ourselves," he says.


No American's are 'smart' enough to take support calls?!?!?! (see below)

Microsoft Sending All XP and Vista Tech Support Calls To India?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is sending ALL of its XP and Vista tech support calls to India
| starting March 29th, according to a call center insider


"Dear Microsoft": An open letter to Microsoft regarding the outsourcing of

,----[ Quote ]
| Don't get it twisted: I don't have a problem with you outsourcing
| jobs to people that will work for next-to-nothing. It's just
| getting a bit out of hand, don't you think? I mean, there's no
| point trying to fool me.


Lastly, in case you think gates is an honest man, consider:

Bill Gates Likes To Lie About Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Denial! C'mon Billy Boy, you know things suck in the land of Vista.
| Just admit it and we'll be on our way.


Gates deposition videos

,----[ Quote ]
| Boies: Do you remember that in January, 1996, a lot of OEMs were
| bundling non-Microsoft browsers?
| Gates: I'm not sure.
| Boies: What were the non-Microsoft browsers that you were
| concerned about in January of 1996?
| Gates: What's the question? You're trying to get me to recall
| what other browsers I was thinking about when I wrote that sentence?
| Boies: No, because you've told me that you don't know what you
| were thinking about when you wrote that sentence.
| Gates: Right.
| Boies: What I'm trying to do is get you to tell me what
| non-Microsoft browsers you were concerned about in January of
| 1996. If it had been only one, I probably would have used the
| name of it. Instead I seem to be using the term non-Microsoft
| browsers. My question is what non-Microsoft browsers were you 
| concerned about in January of 1996?
| Gates: I'm sure -- what's the question? Is it -- are you asking
| me about when I wrote this e-mail or what are you asking me about?
| Boies: I'm asking you about January of 1996.
| Gates: That month?
| Boies: Yes, sir.
| Gates: And what about it?
| Boies: What non-Microsoft browsers were you concerned about in
| January of 1996?
| Gates: I don't know what you mean "concerned."
| Boies: What is it about the word "concerned" that you don't
| understand?
| Gates: I'm not sure what you mean by it. 


Bill Gates Busted - Microsoft Lies to Press/Congress

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates has been busted in a big fat lie and we've got the 
| statistics to prove it.


Talking Linux IP with Bill Gates

,----[ Quote ]
| Niall:
|     OK. Two questions.
|        1. Was Microsoft ever directly involved with the SCO Group
| in their lawsuit against IBM, either through BayStar Capital or others?
|        2. Why is Microsoft recently choosing to go after supposed
| patent violations with various operating system companies?
| Bill:
|     I don't know BayStar.
| Niall:
|     It's an investment company. One of their executives testified
| Microsoft invested $50 million to offset SCO's costs in the lawsuit.
| Bill:
|     When?


The Fear biz is the computer security biz

,----[ Quote ]
| A few days later, I saw what Bill Gates had to say in a recent
| Newsweek interview about the Mac as compared to Vista.
|     "I mean, it's fascinating, maybe we shouldn't have showed so
| publicly the stuff we were doing, because we knew how long the new
| security base was going to take us to get done. Nowadays, security
| guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come
| out with a total exploit, your machine can be taken over totally. I
| dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine."
| My reaction, like most knowledgeable people who read this, was
| open-mouthed astonishment. Now, either Bill is heavily drugged and
| delusional, which I don't believe, or he's just completely ignorant,
| which I also discount, or he knows exactly what he's saying and has
| an ulterior motive. That's my best guess.
| Bill Gates knows that he's at best exaggerating and at worst
| completely lying through his teeth. So why's he doing it? Because
| he also knows that Apple's new ads are helping Macs to sell like
| hot cakes, and that security is a big reason why a lot of people
| are throwing up their hands in disgust at Windows and switching
| to Apple's computers.
| Who reads Newsweek? Not computer pros, but Joe and Jane
| Computer-user, and Joe and Jane tend to believe what they
| read in the mainstream media when it comes to computers,
| especially when that nice, smart philanthropist Bill Gates
| is the one saying it. He's Mr Computer, after all, so he
| must be right!


Gates Deposition Audio and Video

,----[ Quote ]
| Here is our local copy of the depositions of Bill Gates in the
| Microsoft anti-trust suit. We did our best to convert the
| original Windows Media files into an Open format, ogg. Your
| webmaster is responsible for the video transcoding, the
| audio-only files are contributed by a Groklaw member that
| requested to stay anonymous.


,----[ Quote ]
| From:       Bill Gates
| Sent:       Saturday, December 05, 1989 9:44 AM
| To:         Bob Muglia (Exchange); Jon DeVaan; Steven Sinofsky
| Cc:         Paul Mariz
| Subject:    Office rendering
| One thing we have got to change is our strategy -- allowing Office 
| documents to be rendered very well by OTHER PEOPLES BROWSERS is one of the 
| most destructive things we could do to the company.
| We have to stop putting any effort into this and make sure that Office
| documents very well depends on PROPRIETARY IE capabilities.
| Anything else is suicide for our platform. This is a case where Office has
| to  to destroy Windows.


Bill Gates Blunder on Vista Pricing

,----[ Quote ]
| If you watched the above video you will recall that bill gates
| said that british consumers will not be paying more than US
| customers, and that any price difference is merely due to
| differences in exchange rate.


Dark cloud over good works of Gates Found


Of course, one could be wrong. Maybe -- just maybe -- Gates became more honest
after all these years.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | UNIX: Because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
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