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Re: [News] More Low-cost PCs Saddled with GNU/Linux

On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:32:29 -0500, Matt wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Linux-powered LinPC desktop is a bargain
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| The new generation of inexpensive netbooks may be wonderful, but for my main 
>>| desktop I want a real machine -- something I can open up, clean, and add to. 
>>| So I was extremely tickled recently to trade for a new LinPC, an economical 
>>| personal computer that features PCLinuxOS MiniMe 2008 preinstalled and ready 
>>| to go.    
>>| [...]
>>| Overall, I'm happy with my recent acquisition. The case is sturdy with lots 
>>| of room for growth. The power supply is sufficient to run a mid-level add-on 
>>| graphics card that requires an additional power source. The motherboard is 
>>| respectable for its price point. The processor is ample for today's 
>>| applications, and the graphics is powerful enough for most of the 3-D games 
>>| available for Linux today.     
>> `----
>> http://www.linux.com/feature/1464543
> In the U.S., when not actually talking about horses, "to saddle with" is 
> most often used figuratively to mean roughly "to burden with".


It's the first accurate subject line Schestowitz has posted in days!

Moshe Goldfarb
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