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Re: [News] Chrome Considered a Weapon Against an Abusive Monopolist

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Chrome is good news for the ABM crowd
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | It's evidence of the lack of innovation in software engineering these
> | days that Chrome has been greeted in some quarters as something akin to
> | the second coming.
> | 
> | For instance, that idea about having each separate tab run in its own
> | sandbox as it were - how come none of the great programming minds, whom
> | we see commenting on a myriad things every day, thought of that?
> | 
> | Microsoft's concept of browser design is exactly the opposite - any time
> | the browser gets stuck, the whole system goes down with it. Reboot,
> | restart and then continue browsing. (If you like, you can also
> | reformat).
> `----
> http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20457/1154/

Is the source code for Chrome free and open like Firefox or is it going
to turn out to be closed and another IE like crap with gaping security holes
and inflexible crash prone buggy architecture?

I'll stick with Firefox me thinks until the micoshaft employees
now running google$ from inside out come to their senses.

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