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Re: Governments' Suppression of Freedom and Rights in the Rise?

On Sep 5, 4:39 pm, "Moshe Goldfarb." <brick_n_st...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 03:58:13 -0700 (PDT), Rex Ballard wrote:
> > On Sep 4, 8:25 pm, "Moshe Goldfarb." <brick_n_st...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> On Thu, 04 Sep 2008 23:52:07 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >>> International Action Day «Freedom not fear - Stop the surveillance mania!» on
> >>> 11 October 2008
> >> Fine take down all your cameras in GB and the next time your subway system
> >> gets bombed don't come crawling to the rest of the world.
> > New York has thousands of cameras. There are ATMs at almost every
> > street corner, there are cameras in every subway station, and there
> > are cameras that catch people who run red lights, but they can also
> > look down the streets as well.
> I know that, I live in NY.
> I don't care, really I don't.

Actually, I find them very comforting.  If someone were to commit a
criminal act, there is a much better chance that they would be
convicted.  The people in the city know this as well.  As a result,
the crime rate, especially since Guliani took over, has dropped
significantly, especially in Manhattan.

Perhaps one of the reasons they had to fly planes into the WTC was
because security was already so tight that other means would have been
thwarted, and would have resulted in the capture of hundreds of
conspirators, similar to the way it did in 1993.

These days, even the pan-handlers have to watch themselves.  They have
freedom of speech, but they can't threaten you verbally, or by moving
toward you.  All Guliani did was enforce laws that have been on the
books for decades.

> > Typically they record about 48 hours worth of information on a
> > rotating basis.  If nothing "interesting" happens, all of the images
> > are erased.  But if someone gets robbed, murdered, or otherwise
> > attacked, the forensics can help identify a perpetrator, and the
> > camera records can place the perpetrator in the area at the right
> > time.
> So?

Which means more convictions of real perpetrators.  And often helps
clear those incorrectly accused.

> > Most stores also have such cameras, and also keep similar recordings.
> > In addition, the EZ-Pass can place your car, and any use of a credit
> > card can place your location.  Even your internet activity can be used
> > to help provide an alibi.
> Obviously.

The point being that without being invasive, without snooping
excessively, the police can use information captured by cameras,
financial transactions, and other "monitoring" means, without actually
invading people's privacy.

Where we need to draw the line is taking information such as wire-taps
and use them to malign politicians, corporate leaders, and even
private citizens, simply because we can.  With proper court
supervision of how the information is used, it should be possible to
make sure that 4th amendment rights.

> Again, I'm not doing anything wrong so who cares?
> And should I get wrongfully accused of something those devices and
> technology could also vindicate me as well.

Now comes the question.  Is there anything, on your computer,
telephone calls you make, items you purchase, or places you've been,
that you wouldn't want any one other person in your life to know, or
that you wouldn't want splattered on the front page news.  Most people
have their little secrets, and even though they might not be that
serious, they could be enough to damage people's lives.

> > Privacy is an illusion these days.  It was publicly shattered when the
> > 1993 world trade center attack occurred.  The FBI made public how they
> > found the perpetrators, and it became pretty hard to argue with the
> > evidence.  Similar cameras and credit card records were also used to
> > identify and convict the Oklahoma Bombers.

> The idiot wearing the Santa Claus hat used a real credit card with his real
> name on it to rent the truck.

Probably figured that a truck rental wouldn't get that much
attention.  He probably also didn't figure that they would get the
license plate.

> The FBI found the VIN number on the axle and traced the truck to Ryder and
> that is how they caught them.
> These yo-yos were not rocket scientists.

Very true.  And that's really the point.  When a crime is committed,
and there is forensic evidence, it can often lead to the "smoking gun"
- in some cases it can even lead to a video record of the crime.

> > You probably didn't know that if you have a laptop, it's possible for
> > a hacker to remotely turn on your microphone and/or Web cam without
> > you knowing it.

> Not on my laptop.

If it's running Windows, and it's got a Microphone, it can be turned
on.  All it takes is one e-mail that you preview, and the recorder
gets turned on.

> >> BTW you idiots are your own worst enemies.
> >> I hear GB will be a Muslim state in 75 years if immigration continues at
> >> the current rate.

> > If you've ever spent time in the Middle East, you would know why.  In
> > Pakistan, 5 women were buried alive because they wanted to choose
> > their own husbands.  They were shot, but not fatally, then covered
> > with dirt by a bull-dozer.

> And these are the people we have to cater to?  Animals.

People do strange things in the name of religion.  It's one of the
reasons that the United States officially separated Church and State,
even declining to make Christianity the state religion.  American
history was preceeded by the Inquisition, the purge of the
Protestants, the purge of the Reformation, and the Salem Witch trials.

Even in the 20th century we had the KKK burning crosses, with people
on them, and lynching people, in the name of Christianity and
religion.  And even today, in the 21st century we have Aryan Nation,
Neo Nazis, and the "New Klan" campaigning to bring back segregation in
the form of "school vouchers", and increase the prison population to
10% of the minority populations,  in the name of "Family Values".

We have G. Gordon Liddy, and Chuck Coleson, both convicted Watergate
conspirators, getting on "Family Radio" 4-5 times per day to support
Republicans, but they are funded by tax exempt and election commission
exempt charities as "Ministries".  Dr Pat Dobson publicly tried to
topple the primaries by telling his listeners he would never vote for
McCain, and that they should support the opposition.  And you can bet
that, especially with Sarah Palin, that Dobson isn't going to endorse

> > In the US, we have a growing Islamic population, especially in the
> > African American community.  Islam seems to be a very effective "Faith
> > Based Program" at reforming delinquents and convicts, and transforms
> > them into responsible members of society.

> ....At least until they realize they can't smoke, drink and screw
> everything in sight.

They can smoke, just not from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan.  It's
Mormons who can't smoke, drink, or have sex before they get married,
when their boyfriend comes back from Mission.

> Then they are pretty much on their way back to prison.

Actually, the return to prison rate is remarkably low among black
Muslims.  The Christian faith based programs are much less
successful.  The only program more successful is Alcoholics Anonymous.

According to http://www.adherents.com/misc/adh_prison.html

Possible Recent Statistics For a Fraction of U.S. Prisoners
David Rice has written to us (23 October 2002) concerning the origin
of the data in the table below:

    The data came from Denise Golumbaski, who was a Research Analyst
for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. [snip]

Catholic				29,267	31.432%
Protestant				26,162	28.097%
None/Atheist/Unknown	18,537	19.908%
Muslim				 5,435	5.837%
American Indian			 2,408	2.586%
Nation of Islam			 1,734	1.862%
Rastafarian			 1,485	1.595%
Jewish				 1,325	1.423%
Church of Christ			 1,303	1.399%
Pentecostal			 1,093	1.174%
Moorish				 1,066	1.145%
Buddhist				   882	0.947%
Jehovah's Witnesses		   665	0.714%
Adventist				   621	0.667%
Eastern Orthodox		   375	0.403%
Latter-day Saints		   298	0.320%
Scientology			   190	0.204%
Hindu				   119	0.128%
Santeria				   117	0.126%
Sikh					     14	0.015%
Baha'i				       9	0.010%
ISKCON				       7	0.008%
--------------------			  ------	--------
Total					93,112	100.000%

> Moshe Goldfarb

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