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[News] Free Software for Deployment on Own Servers, Including Office Suite and Mail

  • Subject: [News] Free Software for Deployment on Own Servers, Including Office Suite and Mail
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 20:53:25 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

New Funambol Position Paper Describes Open Source MobileWe 'for the Rest of Us'

,----[ Quote ]
| Funambol Inc., the leading provider of open source push email and mobile sync 
| for the mass market, today announced the release of a new position paper 
| titled, "Open MobileWe for the Rest of Us". The paper discusses how Apple's 
| new MobileMe service has greatly publicized the utility of mobile sync for 
| mass market users and illustrates that large numbers of people are willing to 
| pay for sync.      


Web 2.0: Zoho Gears Up

,----[ Quote ]
| A while back I mentioned OpenGoo, a Web-based office suite designed with 
| Zoho-like functionality, but which can be hosted on your own servers. When I 
| spoke to Zoho chief Raju Vegesna about this, he wasn't terribly worried. Why? 
| I asked.   



OpenGoo.org - Open Source Office Tools

,----[ Quote ]
| There is word processor, a spreadsheet application, and all the other things
| you excpect from word processors. This will probably be useful for anyone
| that has a company and doesn’t want to spend money buying licenses for
| software.


ZoooS takes OpenOffice.org to the Web

,----[ Quote ]
| Startup will target Microsoft Office customers, as well as users hesitant to
| trust free or low cost online suites


ZoooS Aims for Online Versions of OpenOffice Apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Webware has recently been covering a port to the web of the OpenOffice.org
| suite of productivity applications from ZoooS. If it sounds like it competes
| with Microsoft Office Live, it does in some ways, and it also competes with
| Zoho's large suite of free productivity applications hosted online. From SQL
| databases to spreadsheets and presentations to word processing (although
| applications are only previews at the moment) you'll be able to use ZoooS to
| work online and collaborate with others there. From ZoooS' home page, you'll
| also get a number of other interesting applications.


Office Live, you're no Google Docs

,----[ Quote ]
| Offlice Live does have its own text editor, but it's rather weak and doesn't
| have Google Docs' killer feature: simultaneous editing. If someone edits a
| document you've got open and you then try to save it, you get a conflict
| error and have to decide whose edits you want to kill.


New Microsoft Office competition from Zoho, Zooos

,----[ Quote ]
| The third annual Office 2.0 conference, which starts Thursday, is where
| people talk about getting real work done on the Web.


Google Apps tops 1 million businesses

,----[ Quote ]
| Almost all of the company's revenue comes from its search engine, which last
| quarter accounted for more than $5 billion. New initiatives, such as the
| Chrome browser, Google Gears, and Google Friend Connect, are focused on
| building a mostly open-source Internet operating system out of Google
| technology in order to funnel more user data and targeted advertising
| opportunities into the Googleplex financial engine.


Microsoft earnings post-mortem: The cash cows quiver

,----[ Quote ]
| I can’t help but wonder if the lackluster Windows/Office results also can be
| attributed to Microsoft brass’s complete and crazy obsession with Google (and
| taking over Yahoo) has resulted in no one minding the Windows store. Kevin
| Johnson, the head of Microsoft’s Platforms & Services division seems to be so
| laser-focused on the online-ad business these days that he almost seems to
| have forgotten Microsoft is still in the software business, too.    
| Microsoft execs’ claims about walking away from the Yahoo deal are nothing
| more than bluster. A protracted hostile takeover bid is just going to
| distract not just employees in Microsoft’s online services business, but
| company management, too. It’s not a pretty picture.  

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