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Re: About that London Stock Exchange IT failure

Hash: SHA1

____/ Steve de Mena on Thursday 18 September 2008 01:20 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ Steve de Mena on Wednesday 17 September 2008 19:30 : \____
>>> Ramon F Herrera wrote:
>>>> Microsoft crashes the London Stock Exchange...  again.
>>>> "It’s the third one in a year and worse even than last year’s November
>>>> 8th failure. "
>>>> http://blogs.zdnet.com/Murphy/?p=1242&tag=nl.e539
>>>> -RFH
>>> Maybe you can point to where in the article the cause of the outages
>>> was determined to be Microsoft?
>>> Steve
>> "The London Stock Exchange Group PLC said Tuesday that a software glitch -
>> and
>>                                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> not high trading volumes - was to blame for a seven-hour shutdown that
>> angered customers on one of the busiest days of the year on world equity
>> markets."
> "The LSE, which is facing increasing competition from new European
> trading platforms, also attempted to reassure traders unhappy about
> the blackout, saying that it had changed the software programming so
> that a similar problem would not have such a huge effect."
> Sounds like a bug in the program they wrote.    How is this a
> Microsoft OS of Microsoft application issue?

We don't know for sure and they refuse to tell. We do know that it wasn't a
hardware/network issue (by "connectivity" they meant they could not reach LSE
because it was down). Accenture worked closely with Microsoft on that one
(offshore contract).

Either way, Get the Facts is false advertising and someone should take that up
with the ASA.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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