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Re: [News] Electronic Arts (EA) DRM Another Epic Fail

Verily I say unto thee, that Phil Da Lick! spake thusly:

>> http://antitrust.slated.org/gutmann/vista.pdf
> This last one doesnt work. I know about vista's hd protections but i
> dont get the tripod reference.

Page 26: "User-accessible buses (ctd)"

• Set up with tripod, perfect lighting, focus → perfect copy
  Can control this in cinemas, but will content providers be
  able to persuade Congress to legislate placing policemen
  in every living room?

IOW, if you can see it, you can copy it.


| "[Microsoft] are willing to lose money for years and years just to
|  make sure that you don't make any money, either." - Bob Cringely.
|  - http://blog.businessofsoftware.org/2007/07/cringely-the-un.html

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