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Re: CIA Factbook Mirrors

___/ On Friday 26 August 2005 08:53, [Mikkel Møldrup-Lakjer] wrote : \___

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:demhct$1438$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> It sure gets copied rather quickly. Here is an example I found by doing
>> some
>> searches...
> At least the first one mentions its sources, something which seems to have
> been left out on the other two. I think most pages that use the Factbook
> don't like to mention their source. Now why would that be?

An agent would come home and they would... *ahem*.. 'disappear'. I bet you
were referring to the lack of reliability though... not to mention lack of
intellect or creativity.

This shows the need for penalty on duplicates. But how can this be done
automatically if the copier does not even acknowledge (link) to the
source?!?!?! It's a hit-or-miss situation.


Roy S. Schestowitz        Useless fact: Brazil spans 47.8% of S. America

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