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[OT] V14gra Link Exchanges

I suppose several people in this group received this E-mail. It seems to
harvest from particular newsgroups.

Subject: Links exchange with <YOUR SITE>.

My name is John Zwiebach. I'd like to offer you link exchange with my good
quality web site.
If you agree, and decide to add link to my site please use details below:
Then send your site details, and I'll add your site immediately.

TITLE: erectile dysfunction
DESCR: Viagra Online: All you want to know about Viagra as erectile
dysfunction treatment.

Best regards,
John Zwiebach

The funny thing is that it's sent by an actual person who apparently tweaks
the field by hand. I had a reply to the boxtrapper, which made this message
visible. The funniest part is probably "offer you link exchange with my good
quality web site". I suspect that stuff is becoming more common. Are they
not getting enough from comment spam in blogs?

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